Title: A Life Established by Faith and Patience
Author: Shelly Kauffman
Publisher: Outskirts Press
ISBN: 978-1478729822
Pages: 138
Genre: Christian Living

Read Author Interview

Interview Questions for Author Shelly Kauffman


Today we are talking to Shelly Kauffman author of “A Life Established by Faith and Patience.”

PBR:  Have you always wanted to write?

I have wanted to write since I was a child, and did!   I have a collection of composed stories that can be found in countless notebooks, folders, and sticker books (before they contained a story). I always had a pencil in my hand!

Even as a child, I desired to write and publish a book. However, as a child, I was unable to attain a Biblically sound story that people would want to read.


PBR:  Do you have a favorite Christian author?

I cannot say that I have a favorite Christian author.


PBR:  Tell us about your journey to publication.

My journey to publication began immediately after my life took a sudden turn. I was prayerfully considering my next move; conversing with God my desires to write, design and help people. It was then, during my morning Bible study and devotional time, when God told me to give my testimony. I was inspired to turn my testimony into my long-awaited book.

After searching my past for every instance where God led me to do something, guided me out of a problematic situation, or bestowed blessings upon me, I realized I had experienced more miracles than I ever accounted for. I had more than enough material for my book, but found myself putting my long-awaited dream and God’s direction on the back burner. Instead, I chose to pursue what I reasoned was the more logical option at the moment. Within six months my plans fell through and I was back on God’s path.

I wrote my book in less than a month; however, it took several months to proof and critique it. In a little over 1 year from the date God told me to give my testimony, I had my published book in my hands.


PBR:  What was the biggest challenge with writing your book?

By far, the biggest challenge with writing my book was staying focused on the message God and I wanted to portray. My life’s story holds many instances (side-stories) that I could stray from my message and find myself complaining about people, events and circumstances. These side-stories, although true, were not in direct relation to my message or a foundation for the book.

This book was written as my testimony to God’s guiding light. The events, circumstances and people included in my book were used to lay a foundation to my turmoil and frustrations; without understanding what was happening in my life, it would be far harder to appreciate the miracles and blessings God bestowed upon me.


PBR:  In what way(s) has your writing journey affected your faith?

My writing journey has affected my faith only by providing another opportunity to apply patience. I sit back and watch God bless the work He has called me to do.


PBR:  How should people approach the Bible when reading it?

When reading the Bible, expect God to show you scriptures that apply to something you are in need of in your life or something He desires for you. Then, apply the promises and instructions to your life. This act of obedience will open doors and allow God to lead you in His wisdom and bless you in ways beyond anything you can ask or think.

I can speak from experience, the more you learn, study and apply – the more God will be able to teach you!


PBR:  Your life’s path was wrought with many spiritual challenges, how were you able to stay so patient and dedicated to your faith?

It was very easy to remain dedicated to my faith throughout my spiritual challenges. God’s strength and peace upheld me. The more I study my Bible and hear Spirit led teachings on the Word of God, the more I realize only God can provide the solution to and deliverance from my trials.

My patience, on the other hand, needed to develop. I often thought things should happen on my timeframe, and frequently based my next decisions on my current results. This was a process that taught me, the hard way, all things happen in God’s time and only when it is in line with His will.


PBR:  What do you hope readers will take away from reading, A Life Established by Faith and Patience?

I want to reach people who are struggling (anyone who needs encouragement, whose life is spiraling out of control, recently had a devastating situation in life to overcome, or anyone who wants an uplifting, spiritual, inspirational story to read), remind them that God is always there, and provide a ‘lead by example’ walk of faith.


PBR:  What advice would you offer to a new author looking to publish their de but work?

My advice to a new author looking to publish their debut work would be to exercise patience! Within the first year, I have had as many failed attempts at marketing my book as successes; so, keep trying! Use your first book as a learning process. Invest the time and reasonable amount of resources and allow God time to work.

And…don’t put all your eggs into one basket! I have published my book with one company, but pursued marketing through my publisher, a second professional source and working on my own personal marketing attempts. All sources are utilizing a variety of marketing methods as well!


PBR:  Do you have anything that you are working on for future publication?

I currently have 3 books started for future publication. They consist of two adult, non-fiction, books in the category of religious and inspirational. The non-fiction books are titled Living Outside the Box and Mom on the Move. The third book I have in progress is a children/teen fiction book series beginning with a book titled The Stranger.

I am uncertain which book will be completed first and when. I am simultaneously starting up my own business as well as juggling my family activities.