Title: Beauty of Morality: Volume 2
Author: Pierre Edens Sully
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1-51447-694-9
Pages: 466
Genre: Literature & Fiction / Poetry

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The author wants to enter the heart of reader more delicately with some poems with the book of Beauty of Morality letting the readers believe that the value of life depends on planned parenthood and other forms of social organization planning for the future in being responsible to bring the children into the world when they could not provide with the full range of material and cultural assets essential to successful competition. What is the main concern of human life? One of answers we should have would be: It is happiness. How to gain, how to keep, how to recover the happiness, this is for me the secret motive of all they do, of all they are willing to endure. What is the sincerity in the work? It is not about making of the work a pass-port of the negligence and of the corruption. It is about not making the work look as ugly as possible. The author displays the possibility of refuting the core of the truth in the notion of new technology by claiming that all the evils attributed to it, and also shows how the current of civilization in America makes the human beings more cultivated and more productive, and also unveil show the insatiability of curiosity and desire gives the idea of progress a solid foundation in psychological and historical observation, and also describes the beauty of landscapes, the marvels, and the greatness of United States that have been pictured with elegance.

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