Title: Becoming Female and Male: Our Extraordinary and Perilous Journey
Author: Ramon Piñon, Jr.
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1-4931-4795-3
Pages: 286
Genre: Psychology/Biology

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Becoming Female and Male: Our Extraordinary and Perilous Journey focuses on critical aspects in the development and biology of our reproductive system. A wealth of information not readily available to the general reader is complemented with a rich assortment of historical perspectives and commentaries. It begins with the amazingly complex, seemingly miraculous processes that lead to the formation of the eggs and sperm, follows the fetal development of the genital tissues, the post-pubertal reproductive functions of females and males, the pubertal transition, and finally our reproductive twilight. The next section focuses on fertilization and implantation, birth and lactation, and exciting new studies relating the origins of chronic adult diseases to our pre-birth environment in the womb. The third section covers pregnancy loss and birth defects, while the final section reviews birth control methods, the causes of infertility and the new growth industry - assisted reproduction. In addition, three appendices supplement the main text and provide more detailed information about sex chromosomes, mutations, hormonal integration of the reproductive system, and disorders of sexual development.

About the Author

51Eb89wnNQL._SY200_Ramon Piñon Jr retired from University of California, San Diego (UCSD) after thirty-six years of teaching and research. He taught a wide variety of classes spanning a broad area of modern biology, developed the first Human Reproduction course in the UCSD Biology department in 1973 and taught it for many years. Out of that experience came his textbook Biology of Human Reproduction published by University Science Books in 2002. His transformation of his textbook into a form more suitable for the lay reader has led to his latest books, Becoming Female and Male: Our Extraordinary and Perilous Journey, which focuses on the biological aspects of our reproductive system, and the present volume Friction and Fantasy: Opening Pandora’s Box, a historical and scientific exploration of human sexuality.


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