Title: I Am Santa!
Author: Kristy Haile
Publisher: Happy Bean Publishing
ISBN: 9780982704325
Pages: 343, Paperback & e-book
Genre: Young Adult


Author’s Website


“Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be the parent of an important figure? How much would it take of you to believe in your child even when nobody else did? What would you do if all of a sudden your son believed and I mean truly believed with all of his heart, that he was indeed the new real Santa Claus. One may think this scenario could never and would never happen. However, I am happy and proud to say that I am the mother of the new real Santa Claus! I believe in my son no matter what other people may say. The question is, do you believe?” This fabulous, 343 page new family fiction novel is based upon the imagination of Ty Haile. It is a read that any pre-teen to an adult will love. I AM SANTA, written by Kristy Haile, is being sold exclusively on this website and select stores. This story is more than just a story about Santa Claus. Its about believing in your child. This book takes you on a journey through a little boys imagination as seen through his mother’s eyes. Struggling in a world of doubt, Nicholas continues to strive to turn non-believers into believers, most importantly his father. Join Nicholas through his adventure of the everyday life and the workings of the North Pole, as non-believers turn into believers through this little boys imagination. Don’t miss out on this timeless adventure in the book, I AM SANTA! eBook release is now available through Smashwords.
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About the Author

Californian Kristy Haile earned an Associate’s degree in Dental Hygiene from Northeastern University in Boston and then worked as a hygienist in Massachusetts and California. She moved from her hometown of Turlock, CA to Los Angeles, where her two children became actors on TV (The Office, Dexter, Criminal Minds, Desperate Housewives), movies (Chihuahua: The Movie) and in commercials.

At age 2 1/2, son Ty came to believe he was Santa Claus. Haile kept a journal of the funny and unusual things her son said and did over the next two years, as well as of people’s reactions to his self-identification as the “new real Santa Claus.” That journal was the basis for this book.

Kristy wants all to experience this fun and imaginative story, she and many have come to love.

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