Title: Dark Web Rising
Author: Eugene T Schurter
Publisher: Self-Published
ISBN: 9780997252200
Pages: 329
Genre: Sci-fi, Action/Adventure
Reviewed by: Jennifer Weiss

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Pacific Book Review Star
Awarded to Books of Excellent Merit

Hacking into the Central Security Agency site provided Stewart with exhilaration, and fear (a good kind of fear). It wasn’t until after he cleared the second attack and succeeded when the panic began to set in. What had he just done, and there was no going back and now Stewart is a fugitive with limited sources and places to go. Can he count on his friends or even the mysterious man known as Daddy warbucks to help or is he stuck fending for himself and on his own? Finally Stewart decided to attempt something more impossible than hacking into the Central Security Agency. He will attempt to leave the colonization ship…that is after he figures out the proper way to escape without getting caught. The question is, could that be accomplished or did Stewart permanently ruin his life?

Dark Web Rising is an action adventure novel which is packed with thrills and suspense at every turn. Readers never know what will happen next, as author Eugene T. Schurter keeps his readers on the edge of their seats anticipating what twists or turns may unfold. If you aren’t familiar with coding or computer related terminology, the beginning chapters may feel slow going or perhaps a bit confusing. But once you get past the background and into the core of the story, it picks up the pace and it gets easier to read and you will become hooked on all the characters – not just the main one. Stewart is easy to relate to and readers could picture themselves in his shoes and wonder what they would do next if it were to happen to them.

Schurter’s writing is extremely interesting and engaging enabling to keep his readers entertained until the very end, leaving them craving his possible next book. The descriptions are clear and vivid enough, providing detailed visualization in your mind, as if you are watching a movie rather than reading a book. Other than the coding and computer based jargon, Schurter does not use overtly difficult words or ideas which may leave readers confused and wondering what happens. Readers get a clear understanding of the plot of this story. It is very obvious the author understands his audience and works to appeal to their interests. It is clear to see why Schurter is quickly earning a multitude of accolades from his fans while earning a name for himself within the literary world.

This borders on the nerdy type of book genre, which means it is rooted in the stereotypical “nerd” interests such as computer science and coding; although readers do not have to have a heightened interest in these technical areas to really enjoy the storyline. Dark Web Rising is a great young adult novel which shows a character using intelligence and wit to accomplish his goals rather than brute force. This skill is something which seems to be rare within young adult novels. This is a book to appeal to anyone who has an interest in the science fiction genre of any age, not just those within the young adult parameters. This is a highly polished, well-written and intriguing book, one certainly to be enjoyed as a summer vacation companion read or at anytime of the year.