Title: For the Love of a Man
Author: Amrinder Bajaj
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 9781524593537
Pages: 376
Genre: Romance/Women’s Interest/Self-Discovery

Reviewed by: Tiffany Ezuma

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here are two kinds of choices you make in life: those you make for yourself and those you make for others. Too often we make decisions based on the best interest of others, even if that comes at the expense of our own happiness. For the Love of a Man by author Amrinder Bajaj, she tells the story of one such dilemma and one woman’s journey to find her own happiness and make her own choices.

The novel’s protagonist, Amrita, is forced to enter an arranged marriage; despite the fact she loves another man and wants to marry to him. This situation isn’t uncommon though in the culture she lives in, as she eventually submits herself to the marriage given that reality she doesn’t have a choice if she wants to be considered a good woman. Author Bajaj is particularly adept at illustrating Amrita’s internal struggle as the readers, from different cultures, are taught a good understanding of the forces which are used to make a woman agree to such an arrangement. Even when, in this case, her heart wants someone different.

Soon after Amrita is officially married she begins to fall into the trap of trying to be a perfect wife while living up to societal pressures which aren’t akin to whom she is a person. The author does an excellent job with the dichotomy of Amrita’s feelings, which sheds a fascinating element into this story. As often is the case, Amrita’s unhappiness eventually leads to a passionate affair, but complications with that relationship begin to threaten all of Amrita’s relationships. This situation leads Amrita to make a life changing decision – having to rely on her own inner strength to get through the hard times.

Semi-autobiographical, this novel pulls on the author’s experiences to build a rich, wholly developed character in Amrita. She is a protagonist we see grow from the start of the novel all the way to the last page. Her journey feels unique to her particular circumstances, but at the same time, there are bits and pieces most women could pull examples from their own lives, understand and relate to and learn from. Because of this, For the Love of a Man makes the perfect reading selection for a women’s book club or anyone looking to find a bit of inspiration. This is a book which will be remembered long after finishing, as well as perhaps change one’s outlook on the custom of pre-arranged marriages.