Title: The Life Stories of Peepaw
Author: Matthew Rucker
Publisher: Book Venture Publishing LLC
ISBN: 978-1643481227
Pages: 116
Genre: Autobiography
Reviewed by: Lisa Brown-Gilbert

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Written as a memorable gift for his young granddaughter, Matthew Rucker’s The Life Stories of Peepaw imparts a sincere, autobiographical work. In it he shares a host of captivating, touching, and humorous, excerpts of his life’s journey, imparting to the reader, an artfully decanted reflection of his past, and revelations concerning life.

Instantly, there’s an engaging appeal and appreciable candor to each of his well-told stories, which do well in making that important connection between author and reader. He tells of a life well lived, with fascinating stories that include natural and not so natural events. Moreover, the stories are portrayed in literate, rich detail, with each snippet bringing into view a particular aspect of author Matthew Rucker’s life. He simultaneously exemplifies several all-important life lessons, with particular emphasis on staying true to your faith throughout life’s trials and tribulations.

The collection in its entirety, presents his perspective of the emotional ebb and flow of events in his life, spanning from birth, youth and well into Mr. Rucker’s, adulthood and active ministry. Each story, portrays a different facet of a life or death experience, portrayed via his literate narration of stories, which at times wax heartwarming, while at other times divulge instances of intimate and tremendous heartbreak. Author Rucker leads readers through the gamut of his life, boldly sharing both the good and bad life experiences, which drilled into him the invaluable life lessons which lent to the molding of his present self. Not only do these stories proffer an intimate view of a well-experienced life, but also offer motivation and life lessons.

Consequently, while all of author Rucker’s concisely engaging vignettes, have something to offer the curious reader, proffering undeniably important life lessons and messages about life and death. While, there are several stories which stand out as personal favorites, I found the following stories to be especially enlightening as well as entertaining; My Cowboy Days, Moonshine, Sending John Home, My Last Snow Skiing, The Night I Died, and Will The Real Mrs. Elma Stand Up. Additionally, however, the most significant life story he proffers, Someone Saved My Life, tells the tragic and heartbreaking story surrounding the discovery of his son’s dead body,

Ultimately, I completely enjoyed reading The Life Stories of Peepaw. The book turned out to be an altogether entertaining, and quite often, thought provoking representation of author Matthew Rucker’s, life-born experiences and culmination of life lessons, which he dispenses with well-honed storytelling ability, sagacity and insight making this book a read worthy of addition to any personal library.

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