Title: Transform to Freedom
Author: Elliot Sabino
Publisher: Elliot Sabino
Page Count: 129
Genre: Non-Fiction



Transform to Freedom is an investigation of the creation of the human species, as the evidence from Zecharia Sitchen, William Bramley and David Icke, among many others, would seem to suggest. It`s an investigation, and an expose` that links those creators with the [Brotherhood] Secret Societies that are still controlling us today. It`s an investigation into the esoteric knowledge and the hidden science – like the cures for cancer, and the suppression of free energy – that has very deliberately been kept hidden, and taken, from us, and much more.

“What if the answers were more disturbing than we thought? Author Elliot Sabino, in Transform to Freedom, posits that the ills of the world are not as random as they appear, but, in fact, are orchestrated with malevolent intent. Drawing on the knowledge and research of his peers, Sabino shares with the reader a plethora of shocking discoveries which, he purports, are responsible for the problems that our planet has faced since it began, from the Garden of Eden, to 9/11, and beyond.”

“Without attempting to press his beliefs upon us, but while urging us to explore the evidence ourselves, Sabino presents a variety of anecdotes to support the assertions that the Earth has been enslaved; though by what or whom varies, as his fellow authors differ in their opinions. The Freemasons; Illuminati; a race of reptilian extraterrestrials; Satanists; an all-powerful Brotherhood, with a membership including U.S. Presidents, the House of Windsor, the Rothschilds, and the Rockefellers. These manipulators control our lives, according to Sabino, causing pain and suffering and keeping us weakened.”

Author The Author

Elliot Sabino was born in Australia in 1970, and started his career as a musician at a very young age, touring much of Australia. More recently Elliot has worked as a commercial radio announcer and voice-over talent; he has worked as a university lecturer; and he has traveled to four countries in Asia, and the Pacific Islands, performing music and teaching in three of them. Elliot no longer lives in Australia.

Elliot`s qualifications include a Diploma of Music from a Conservatorium of Music, and a Master`s Degree from his home-town university. This is not Elliot`s first book, nor his first publication, but it is the book that Elliot was always meant to write. The writing will not cease, however. Transform to Freedom is merely the start of this authors career, proper.

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