Title: Transform to Freedom
Author: Elliot Sabino
Publisher: Elliot Sabino
Page Count: 129
Genre: Non-Fiction

Reviewed by: Kimberlee Hicks, Pacific Book Review


Book Review

A great many terrible things do, and continue to, happen in this world. Gas prices rise, incomes sink,
crime rates increase, and corruption seems to exist at every level of the government. War and disaster
cripple entire cities, states, and even countries; and there would appear to be nothing we can do to
prevent any of it from occurring, no matter how hard we try. These acts of depredation against our lives
and well-being ensnare us in a web of hopelessness, making us feel as though we have no recourse.

What if the answers were more disturbing than we thought? Author Elliot Sabino, in Transform to
Freedom, posits that the ills of the world are not as random as they appear, but, in fact, are orchestrated
with malevolent intent. Drawing on the knowledge and research of his peers, Sabino shares with the
reader a plethora of shocking discoveries which, he purports, are responsible for the problems that our
planet has faced since it began, from the Garden of Eden, to 9/11, and beyond.

Without attempting to press his beliefs upon us, but while urging us to explore the evidence ourselves,
Sabino presents a variety of anecdotes to support the assertions that the Earth has been enslaved;
though by what or whom varies, as his fellow authors differ in their opinions. The Freemasons;
Illuminati; a race of reptilian extraterrestrials; Satanists; and all-powerful Brotherhood, with a
membership including U.S. Presidents, the House of Windsor, the Rothschilds, and the Rockefellers.
These manipulators control our lives, according to Sabino, causing pain and suffering and keeping us

As the title suggests, Sabino provides suggestions as to how mankind can escape its incarceration,
although again, urging readers to do their own research and make up their own minds; to (to borrow his
analogy) examine the world outside of the Matrix. All of those things that contribute to the readers’
feeling of helplessness, he says, can be controlled, if people are willing to fight back; and there is
something to fight back against.

Transform to Freedom is a well-organized presentation, including no dearth of supportive material. If it
lacks in any regard, it’s that Sabino relies so heavily on the research of his peers, and is so eager for his
readers to do their own research (obviously to draw their own conclusions), that his evidence (while
prolific) falls short of posing a solid argument, which he admits is not his intent.

With a startling premise, Transform to Freedom will certainly give you something to think about,
whether you agree with Sabino’s assertions, or no. No one can deny that bad things happen in this
world, and if you take this author’s advice and do the research he so earnestly suggests, it’s possible
you’ll stumble upon more information than you ever dreamed could be possible. If anything is certain,
it’s that you cannot fail to come away from this book without a multitude of questions, and I believe
that is Sabino’s intent.

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