Title: Vanishing Twin:  Untapped Series (Volume 1)
Author: Tanja Kobasic
Publisher: 2014, Stone Series Publishing
ISBN: 9780988155428
Pages: 462, Paperback
Genre: Urban-Fantasy- Romance

Reviewed by: Anita Lock, Pacific Book Review



Book Review

Scarlett and Jade Jennings have just published their New York Times bestseller entitled My Sister’s Hands. Describing their journey from horrific conditions in a Bulgarian orphanage to healthy environs via a providential US adoption, these conjoined twins — fused just below the waist, are now recognized as celebrities. It is during one of their book signings that they meet Sebastian Cole, the famous Las Vegas illusionist. An immediate attraction takes place between Scarlett and the handsome entertainer who is rumored to be controlled by demonic powers. Inevitably, an invitation to one of Sebastian’s spectacular performances leads to a party that goes offensively awry. Nonetheless, dating ensues. It is apparent that Scarlett and Sebastian’s magnetism has never waned since their introduction. This not only creates tension between Scarlett and Jade – something that rarely occurs between the adjoined sisters, but also Jade’s increasing erratic behavior seems to coincide with the presence of a mysterious yet ominous shadow. Kobasic’s latest novel has an overarching theme of good over evil amid a steamy romance.

Rising author Tanja Kobasic spins a one-of-a-kind story made up of unique characters placed with a twisted Romeo-and-Juliet setting. Kobasic presents a conjoined twin’s unrealistic and unfulfilled thoughts and dreams of intimacy. Told through the prettier and more physically developed of the sisters, Scarlett’s first person narrative reflects a woman who never expects to experience sexual love, nor thinks that anyone will find her attractive. Yet when Sebastian enters her life, all she wants is to be set free from the physical confines of her sister Jade. Concurrently, Sebastian – who is presented in third person narrative – does not appear to have any physical abnormalities. But don’t be fooled. His life is more convoluted than you may think. Amid the varied circumstances of these two lovers, Kobasic’s protagonists (Scarlett and Sebastian) constantly look for opportunities to share their love.

Kobasic uses paradox as a key literary element to glue her plot together. This literary device is so heavily laced that it is difficult to distinguish what is and what is not normal. For instance, the twins undoubtedly have a disability. But Kobasic dispels stereotypes. These girls are attractive, wear stylish clothing, and live rather lavishly. Sebastian seems to have it all together. But his life is a facade. Yet aside of their differences, Scarlett and Sebastian desire to move on with their lives, which indeed earmarks them as dynamic characters. Kobasic’s meticulous attention to character development includes small but very crucial supporting cast members, such as the patient wisdom of Leon, Sebastian’s assistant, and the quirky but solid advice of Esperança, Sebastian’s aunt. Of course, this being the first book in Kobasic’s Untapped Series, the antagonists are just beginning to show up. While Sebastian’s (supposed aunt) Ebony (aka Trigger) is high on the chart of villains, Kobasic’s name-dropping indicates that forthcoming characters will go beyond Ebony’s malevolence.

Closing with a cliffhanger, Kobasic’s absolutely fascinating plot slowly builds good vs evil while interweaved in Scarlett and Sebastian’s unrequited relationship. For readers who enjoy a plethora of irony amid twists and turns, look no further. Vanishing Twin has all those elements as so much more to keep readers engage from cover to cover.

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