Winner (Thriller)
Title: Miracle Man
Author: William R. Leibowitz
Publisher: Manifesto Media Group
Pages: 385, Paperback/Kindle
Genre: Fiction

Reviewed by: Krista Schnee, Pacific Book Review

Featured book for February 2014View photo in message 


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Book Review

Peter and Edith Austin knew their foster son was special. Even at an early age, he had shown a remarkable ability to learn and create. Indeed, when most boys were just learning the alphabet, Bobby was studying human anatomy and astronomy. There was a dark side to this brilliance, though, and that is why his parents sought help from the doctors, the ones whom they hoped would help their young boy. Sitting patiently through their tests, Bobby revealed an intelligence never before seen in another human; his aptitude for learning and imaginative thought was greater than that of even Einstein. In order to nurture his intellectual growth, the doctors offered special educational opportunities for the boy, the boy who would bring about miracles in his later years.

As a young adult he quickly surpassed his teachers in his understanding of even the most advanced math and sciences. A governmental agency considered him a human resource for future scientific development, but Robert would have other ideas. After the loss of his parents, he formed a relationship with Dr. Manzini, who would become his mentor and surrogate father. It was Manzini who urged Robert to find his own path, no matter the consequences. Leaving the protection of the government and his school, he decided to devote his life to curing even the most deadly diseases. Even as he solved the problem of certain illnesses, though, he gained new enemies and suffered from the darkness growing within him.

Isolated and threatened, Robert delved deeper into his research, becoming more and more self destructive even as he solved the most difficult scientific dilemmas. His devotion to his work came at a personal price, both for him and his wife. Robert—unwanted by his biological parents and now hunted by multiple enemies—soon became convinced of a greater force opposing him, one that he little understood and yet was determined to fight. The symptoms that so concerned his parents became more acute throughout this struggle, one that could possibly end in his own destruction.

In Miracle Man, William R. Leibowitz presents the story of a modern day superman, one who possesses an extraordinary intelligence. As much as the story tells of the miracles that he leaves in his wake, it is more the tale of the importance of each life. As a baby, Robert had been rejected by his biological parents and many potential foster parents; the boy who was scorned and unwanted by all would become a blessing to so many. Reading the story of Robert, one wonders if the world has suffered in its lack of caring for such unwanted children.

Although the story could have become an obvious morality tale, it instead is also one that explores the great depths of darkness that can be brought with such gifts. This analysis of Robert’s constant isolation and suffering also brings with it an intriguing spiritual element, one that is unique in such stories. His awesome intellect—a genetic anomaly—may have a greater purpose than scientific research; indeed, it seems that this aberration might have been brought about for a greater purpose, that of opposing a universal evil. Whether this is simply part of Robert’s own mental instability or true spiritual warfare, it adds an urgency to the novel that is not found in other similar stories.

Miracle Man, the story of a man of great intelligence and vision, will appeal to those readers desiring a thoughtful story that probes the potential of one man. Well-researched and plausible, it is a novel that will certainly delight in its exploration of universal themes and the darkness that threatens to destroy from within. The educated reader will enjoy this novel with its heavy emphasis on science, and yet those who are religious will also find great insight in its spiritual themes. William R. Leibowitz, in his writing of Miracle Man, has provided the bookish individual with a perfectly wonderful read.

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