Title: Armageddon of a Different Order: Wake Up, America
Author: Dennis Dawson Elliott
Publisher: iUniverse
ISBN: 978-1532061998
Pages: 224
Genre: Politics & Government/Executive Branch/Corruption & Misconduct
Reviewed by: Anthony Avina

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Charles Caleb Colton once said, “Corruption is like a ball of snow, once it’s set a rolling it must increase.” In author Dennis Dawson Elliott’s novel Armageddon of a Different Order: Wake Up, America, readers will find themselves taking a critical and analytical look at the buildup to the United States current executive branch and administration, and how United States citizens can take non-partisan steps to fix the issues facing us today.

In this book, the Mr. Elliott goes into detail about the rise of current United States President Donald Trump, and how his behavior before the election has only gotten worse as time progresses. Analyzing things from a non-partisan view and utilizing years of experience in both business and journalism, the author thoroughly explores the cause of President Trump’s rise to power and how he continues to maintain his support base despite his lack of follow through or in essence a lack of leadership. I believe the author states it best in the novel when he wrote, “He threw chum in the water to incite his base while convincing its members that he walked on water, and they “drank his Kool-Aid” Jim Jones–style.”

This is a novel made for anyone who doesn’t support President Trump or his chaotic rule, those who believe in the promise of an America that supports a free press and equality for all, and to anyone who hopes the members of our government can cross party lines to meet in the middle and find bi-partisan ways of solving the issues facing us today. While written as a non-partisan viewpoint and advocating for civility and common ground, there are sure to be those out there who would not find this book in their favor, most specifically those who wholeheartedly support President Trump.

This is a must read for anyone trying to understand the current social and political climate in our world, most notably the United States since the rise of President Trump. With the government in chaos and the people of the United States caught in the middle of an ideological war between Trump and anyone who dares oppose him, it’s time to, as the author states, “wake up America” and find ways to improve the nation as a whole. By understanding how we got to this point, we can find ways to move forward united, not divided against ourselves in the U.S. If you haven’t yet, be sure to grab your copy of Dennis Dawson Elliott’s Armageddon of a Different Order: Wake Up, America today!

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