Title: Armchair Travel to Heal the Planet
Author: Kathy Bornino
Publisher: Aventine Press
ISBN: 9781593306359
Pages: 255, Paperback
Genre: Non-Fiction/Spirituality/Self-Improvement/Alternative Health

Reviewed by: Nicole Sorkin, Pacific Book Review

Author’s Website


Book Review

Welcome to Armchair Travel to Heal the Planet, fasten your seat belts and enjoy the ride. You are about the embark on a supernatural, healing journey to Afghanistan, the Amazon Rain Forest, Cambodia, China, Germany, Israel, Turkey, and destination spots that are beyond the scope of imagination. We will be traveling a journey of scientific exploration of how energy, thoughts, feelings and emotions have an impact on the planet. All living sustainable life forms; including plants are effected by energy. Kathy Bornino’s simple request is for her readers to come with an open mind, relax and savor the traveling experience. Through the healing powers within each of us we will create a healthier, whole planet and environment. The world is filled with energy, we’re not able to see this energy with the naked eye, but then we can’t see radio waves either. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Learn and discover the endless possibilities for altering your everyday life and the lives of others within the pages of this spectacular book.

To begin our traveling adventure we will need to bring the proper accessories and tools. These accessories are described as: Images, both moving images and contagious, symbols, archetypal images, transcendence, discretion, influence and creative intention. Kathy Bornino, a Transformational Psychotherapist and Hypnotherapist with over two decades of experience, gives the reader the necessary steps of how to harness and develop your skills using one’s energy field. Thus enabling you to heal yourself and others who are in need of some form of healing in their lives.

Armchair Travel to Heal the Planet is a sophisticated, scientific, self-help and spiritual guide all wrapped up into one book. Kathy Bornino provides techniques for developing awareness and sensitivity towards subtle energy fields, including using Meridian Therapy, Ho’opono’pono: Hawaiian Aloha Healing, and visualizations exercises. She explains the quantum physics behind how energy healing and spiritual healing work, with a focus on maintaining a loving, empathic attitude when practicing your healing art. She also illustrates the importance of prayer and how powerful it is. Studies show that prayer is effective and when many people are praying for the same thing the goal is often accomplished. For example, Liberian women whose prayers helped stopped the war in Liberia. These women came together in a positive way with continued prayers of peace, which ultimately played a major role in bringing peace to Liberia. In all faiths, prayer is an intrinsic part of connecting to the spiritual world.

Armchair Travel to Heal the Planet is more than just a book, it’s a philosophy. The author created a hub of information and included scores of references for others wishing to gain more momentum into these positive pools of thoughts. Anyone pondering the topics of consciousness, telepathy, empathic imaging, and promoting health and well being will greatly benefit by reading this book. Open the gateway to a world of healing. As Kathy Bornino writes, “Let go and let God.”

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