Author: Bob Mack Peak
Title: The 85% Man and Lessons from Lucille
Publisher: CreateSpace
ISBN: 1489553401
Pages: 304, Paperback/Kindle
Genre: Relationships

Author Interview with Bob Mack Peak


Author Interview with Bob Mack Peak

Interviewed by: Lisa Brown-Gilbert, Pacific Book Review


PBR: Have you always wanted to be a writer?

As a kid, I wanted to play professional baseball. During my college days, I was encouraged to write short stories by an English Lit teacher who I had a crush on. If behind every great man is a great woman, then she was the genesis of my literary ambitions. All my life I’ve related stories from my childhood with the response, “you should write a book.” I learned my storytelling craft from my terrific grandparents, dozens of relatives, and my wonderful parents, Lucille and Pops. When I left my corporate job in Silicon Valley in 1990, I set out writing video shorts, TV commercials, radio spots, website content and screenplays. I’m now dedicated to writing books and movies that can entertain, influence and move people to improve their lives.


PBR: What made you decide to write The 85% Man and Lessons from Lucille?

No one is cooler than a mom, and my mother Lucille, was no exception. Over the course of my life I’ve been faced with many challenges—losing four siblings (I’m the oldest of six)—marriage and divorce (three times)—running the punishing, endless gauntlet of love. At every turn, words of wisdom from Lucille would ring in my ears. As with most people, with age came my own wisdom, but not without the solid background established by my mother. Many friends and acquaintances ask me about my journey and Lucille’s name always comes up. I hope with Lucille’s Lessons and my missteps, men and women can understand how to identify and find true love like I have. One of my best friends read the book and said, “If I’d read this when I was in my twenties, it would have saved me a lot of time, grief, and money. I’m going to give a copy to my grandson immediately.” His statement really reinforced my goal with the book.


PBR: How did you come up with the Title?

The “Lessons” and Lucille were obvious parts of the title. The simplest way to describe myself in past relationships was as the “almost perfect man.” I consistently seemed to fall just short of what someone wished for. There seems to be a specific gap—about 15%—between what women want (100%) and what most good men are capable of offering as imperfect creatures. Between Sirs Galahad and Lancelot and the Hannibal Lecters of the world, there is the good guy, The 85% Man. This describes the large population of great men that women overlook trying to find the perfect man, which like many fabled creatures, does not exist. When describing my book by the title, one woman said, “I need to read your book. My last boyfriend was probably a 70% man.”


PBR: How long did it take you to write 85% Man?

This was about twenty years of notes, which came together over one year of solid research and writing. I had a dozen test readers review the draft, including a clinical psychologist, couples counselor, married and single people. The draft went to editorial and many revisions later produced the final draft. I couldn’t write the ending to the book until ten years ago when I finally found a great relationship with my 85% Woman, Lynn Marie Presley. Lynn was the final production editor in completing my book. Today my life is very rewarding and Lynn is my biggest fan.

PBR: What was your biggest issue with writing your book?

Blending my parents story with my own personal journey to find a relationship like they had, which was based on unconditional love. It was two stories that merged together. I’ve had this comment from one editor—that it could be two books. But it was important to find a rampart and parallel with the life my parents had as part of “The Greatest Generation” and my struggles over three decades (and as many marriages), and over 280 Internet and personal connections and dates. Each chapter begins with a Lesson quote from Lucille with a story about my family, then a sample relationship as proof of Lucille’s imparted insight. It was a case of old school romance versus new age relationships. Keeping the flow of my journey parallel with the background story of my family was a challenge. Remembering my life with Lucille was easy.


PBR: How much research went into writing the book?

Beginning with my divorce in 1986, I struggled with divorce and the impact of caring for two children via joint custody. There were really no good relationship books for men since they are not a target market and don’t buy these books. Only “Passages” by Gail Sheehy was helpful. Otherwise it was “Smart Women, Foolish Choices,” etc. With about twenty years of reading, searching, Jungian counseling, watching movies and listening to talk shows, I determined there was little counsel for helping men as well as women. Books by PhD’s or so-called relationship experts often don’t paint a realistic picture of the travels of a man looking for true love. This is akin to a cadet from West Point Academy describing what war is like versus hearing it from a combat veteran from WWII, Vietnam or Afghanistan. Observing war from afar is vastly different from being in the thick of it. When I started writing, I did daily research on movies, books and theater anecdotes and quotes, researching my family history, digging up photos, and bouncing concepts off friends and family. Reviewing other relationship genre books, I wanted to make sure any information about dating or relationships was unique. Most of these books have agreed upon the basic differences between men and women, some of which are explained in my book. I wanted to assume the reader could be any age and basic information should accompany the advanced tutelage.


PBR: How is your book different from other relationship self help books currently on the market?

The 85% Man is based on my true experiences, with real women, real dates, real marriages and divorces, and a daunting search for unconditional love. There are twenty-five lessons from Lucille, many personal stories of dating and relationships (from hundreds of documented encounters), and three important steps for crossing what I describe as the Unconditional Abyss. Most relationship books (e.g. “Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus,” John Gray, PhD.) are anecdotal notes from couples counseling. The 85% Man is not an analytical text book summary result of hundreds of interviews. It’s personalized real life that most men and women can relate to. Lucille’s insight provides a very unique perspective for self help.

Additionally, I’ve illustrated and defined a paradigm I call the Unconditional Abyss. It’s a roadmap, with many pitfalls, to discovering true love. This journey is based on my experiences where I found it takes about seven to ten years to make a successful crossing. Most first marriages last eight years on average according to research and statistics. Crossing the Abyss unaware, covering seven stages I describe, anyone can fall into a chasm short of a fulfilling, long-lasting relationship. Lucille can help you across the Abyss.

The book’s website ( allows readers to evaluate how their man scores by selecting issues or shortcoming and adjusting the point values. Clicking the “What Would Lucille Say” button yields a man’s score with advice and tips. This came about after several test readers said they wanted to be able to score their man using their own value system, versus my “Section II – Fifteen Lessons to Guide You,” with one point deducted per Lesson. My youngest son Steve helped me develop the worksheet and scoring system.

My YouTube channel has several humorous videos I produced with talking dogs and cats providing advice to their 85% Master (my oldest son, Deano). Search for “Vinnie the Talking Dog” or “The 85% Man.” The book is available in audio version (, iTunes) with a vibrant narration by opera singer and voice artist Mike Chadwick.


PBR: Your book cover is quite engaging, who designed it for you?

My designer at CreateSpace, Susan, did a great job of capturing the tone of the book. The man a woman may think she wants is the slick dude in the suit, when the man she truly needs is wearing sweat pants and a two-day beard. From several concepts, this one stood out and my test readers loved it.


PBR: Do you have any plans for any future works?

I am drafting a pseudo sequel to this book called, “Dime Store Novel.” A failed writer, and the black sheep of the family, is the sole heir to a massive family fortune. Tragically, his family and possible heirs are killed. He moves to the French Riviera to assume the mantel and soon after finds he is dying. His greatest regret is that he never met the love of his life. His best friend tells him, “Your time is short and you’re a writer… so invent her. Write your story.” A chance encounter injects a special woman into his life. Reading his secret manuscript one night, she identifies herself as the heroine. But she must rediscover her true self for him to recognize her. Though not implicit in the book, she is his 85% Woman.

Following “Dime Store Novel” is “Best Served Cold,” dedicated to my sister Debbie who died at the hands of a bad boyfriend.


PBR: What would be your single best piece of advice for young people just getting into dating and relationships?

The leading cause of divorce is marriage. The greatest weapon to defeat the dreaded disease of divorce is the knowledge and fortitude to choose wisely. In Chapter 24, I offer three questions to test the character of a potential mate:

1) Will this person be a good parent to a child (our children)?

2) Will this person be a good wingmate for my life’s journey?

3) Will my life be enriched for having this person in it?

At the end of the day you must ask, “What would Lucille say?” In a few words—listen to your mom.

To learn more about “The 85% Man and Lessons from Lucille” please read the review at: Pacific Book Review

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