Author: Carrie Cader
Title: Burnt Cupcakes – A Memoir of Marriage, Motherhood and Madness
Publisher: Mirror Publishing
ISBN: 9781612252308
Pages: 460, Paperback/Kindle
Genre: Non-Fiction, Memoir

Author Interview with Carrie Cader

 Author Interview with Carrie Cader

Interviewed by: Suzanne Gattis, Pacific Book Review


Today we’re talking with Carrie Cader, author of “Burnt Cupcakes: A Memoir of Marriage, Motherhood, and Madness.”
1. PBR: What prompted you to write your memoirs? Was it a personal journey for you or was your main intent to reach other people?

I have been keeping journals for as long as I can remember. The memoir is pages from my journal written in a story format. My intent by publishing was to expose the pressures I was feeling as a woman so that others may find comfort, comradely or simply entertainment in reading about it.


2. PBR: What advice would you give women out there that are struggling with trying to find a work/life balance?

Simplify your life. Cut out all the B.S. that just does not matter.


3. PBR: What are your thoughts about the stigma our society often has toward mental health? What would you tell someone that is afraid to seek help?

Unfortunately I believe that there is still a negative stigma in our society towards seeking mental health treatment. I was guilty of feeling it myself. I now believe that openly talking about mental health is the key to changing the negative perception. Since discussing my own issues with anxiety I have had several people confide to me that they too have suffered. Knowing that others care or can relate to your situation is therapy in itself.


4. PBR: Will we be seeing a follow-up anytime soon for you book?

I am very excited that a follow up in already in the works.


5. PBR: As a mother, what is your favorite moment to date with your children?

As a mother, my favorite moment to date is waking up and looking over to find that both children had climbed into our bed during the night and were sound asleep in between my husband and me. Watching the three of them sleep filled me with complete happiness and content.


6. PBR: How did you come up with the title?

“Burnt Cupcakes” is what I named my journal entry when I originally wrote about the cupcake throwing incident. I did not intend for it to be the title of the book, however, it just sort of stuck.


7. PBR: Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it?

Exposing my deepest fears has been the most freeing experience I have ever had. I learned to allow myself to open up and to be vulnerable.


8. PBR: Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?

“Life gets messy….but life is sweet.”

To learn more about “Burnt Cupcakes: A Memoir of Marriage, Motherhood, and Madness” please read the review at on Pacific Book Review.