Author: Dennis K. Hausker
Title: The Gathering Storm – Book II
Publisher: Melange Books, LLC
Pages: 248, Paperback
Genre: Fantasy

Author Interview with Dennis K. Hausker

Author Interview with Dennis K. Hausker

The Gathering Storm

Book II of the Faenum Quest – The Adventure Continues
Interviewed by: S. Marie Vernon, Pacific Book Review
Today we are with Mr. Dennis K. Hausker author of the new book The Gathering Storm-The Adventure continues in Book II of the Faenum Quest.

PBR: Give us a quick synopsis of The Gathering Storm-Book II in the Faenum Quest Series.

The second book continues the epic saga as a logical response to what happened in the first book. Dave’s powers continue to grow, but he is beset with a new and troubling issue as a stranger appears. Dave wants to see him as a friend and ally, yet his intuition keeps warning him something is amiss. All the while they must unite warring races as a defense against the invasion of the dark empire. He continues to cope, but he cannot achieve resolution as he doesn’t grasp the nature of the threat.

PBR: A lot of Book II- The Gathering Storm is about Dave’s jealousy and insecurities in general. Will Dave come to terms with this in Book III of the Trilogy?

The third book answers all of your questions and there is clarification of what seems so mystifying in book two. It is a book which resolves everything one way or another.


PBR: Dave makes a pact with Wilphrus, but has no idea what he will have to exchange for Wilphrus’s help in the end. Will Dave be willing to pay this unknown reward when the time comes?

I hate to give away the third book so I’ll say Dave made a magical contract with a wizard. He doesn’t have a choice about honoring the terms.


PBR: Will Dave and Wilphrus ever square off and test their powers on each other or are they saving their power for the ultimate battle with the evil emperor?

As you’ll see in the third book, Dave has mixed feelings about Wilphrus whether he is a friend or foe. I choose to keep you in the dark because I intend plot twists and turns meant to rock your boat.


PBR: Bear becomes a father to six deathcats in the story. Will the babies grow up and become part of Dave’s team in the third book?

Bear’s offspring are the subject of discussion and speculation, but are too young to have any impact in the third book.


PBR: It seems odd Wilphrus, Selane, Lissette and Jenna are only assisting Dave in a limited way at the end of Book II-The Gathering Storm. In Book III, will they face the ultimate battle with him or will it just be Dave and the other team members?

Again, I can’t really give away the mysteries revealed in book three. You will understand why you saw behaviors and you’ll see the outcomes of those behaviors. The final battle is a growing escalating climax that will speak for itself. You’ll understand it all when it happens.


PBR: In Book III-The Faenum War, do the wizards and the warlocks fight an ultimate battle too?

The wizards who are good and the warlocks who are bad do meet in battle as well as the sisterhood faces the black witches.


PBR: In Book III-do any of Dave’s inner group die or do they survive? Are they all changed to some degree? If so, who is changed the most?

This is another question I cannot answer prematurely. You’ll understand after you’ve read book three.


PBR: Would you like to tell your readers anything more about Book III-The Faenum War?

I wrote the third book to be titanic, cataclysmic, and apocalyptic. This saga needed a shocking conclusion and that is what I wrote. In the first chapter I write a scene that moves me every time I reread it. The quasi-religious tone is an essential element in the fabric of Faenum and of Dave himself. In a way it defines him. Even in the darkest of times there is still hope.


PBR: Do you have plans for another book after The Faenum War is completed? If so, will it be another epic fantasy or another genre? Tell us a little more about that.

I am currently writing a second epic fantasy trilogy. I’ve completed that first book and I writing the second book. I use some of the elements of the Faenum Quest but I take a different path in a lot of ways. This has been great. These questions were more difficult because I couldn’t answer some without giving away too much. I apologize everybody. After you read the third book I think you’ll see why.

PBR: Thank you.