Title: Corrupt/Fallacious Ideas Germinated In Grey Matter Are Dysfunctional The Belly of The Beast
Author: E. Nadiyah Uqdah
Publisher: Independently published
ISBN: 978-1521709795
Pages: 480
Genre: Non-Fiction
Interviewed by: Aaron Washington

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Author Interview with Nadiyah Uqdah

PBR: How did you become fascinated with how the mind works?
I believe early on in life I observed how great I felt being around certain people. However, with the same curiosity I wondered why some people made me feel uncomfortable. When I recalled both incidents of feelings it was what brought out my fascination in how the mind works and it grew and grew which finally led me to my career.

PBR: Who are some of your most inspiring research psychologists and neurologists and what other books played an important role in shaping your conclusions?
I would say the renowned Biological Psychologist Charles Scott Sherrington who gave us the terminology called the synapse, which I did my thesis on Alzheimer. He said, “A rainbow every morning who would pause to look at?” What that meant to me if there were no dysfunctions in our lives we could not learn to appreciate what it would mean to be functional. At this point the inspiration I received was from a man of my heart or should I say my mind. The late great Psychiatrist Carl G.Jung made a big impact on my life with his archetypes, the good and bad in people; and how those forces work for or against the human mind. Also, he expressed his belief in God and to me that’s what give’s hope to people that society may deem as unacceptable because of their mental abnormalities. His work has corroborated some of my own research on human behavior. I believe if people are willing to change their evil archetypes, they would have a chance to let the good triumph over their lives. There are many religious and political books that shaped these conclusions for me.

PBR: When did you begin writing your book and how long did it take you?

I begin writing this book about three years ago. I was going through surgeries and it hit me during my recovery.I had an epiphany, I knew I had to reach as many people as I could for the love of peace. What better way than a book? As noted, you have an exceptional writing quality of being able to break down to simple terms your concepts.

PBR: Who would be your most targeted reading audience for your book?
I believe everybody has some type of dysfunction in their lives.However, being so close up and personal they may not be able to recognize they have dysfunctions. I would say to people check your attitudes especially if you don’t believe it. This book is good for doctors, lawyers, politicians, business people in general, family’s youths and adults, libraries, classrooms, people looking for true peace, outreach programs such as prisons, people dealing with low self-esteem issues and self-help groups.

PBR: Are you currently or have you been in the past a lecturer on this subject?
Not as yet, but hopefully I will have a website where many will be able to make appointments to discuss segments of the book that interest them. Then maybe in the coming future I will be invited to speak to groups.

PBR: During your research, what was the most unexpected revelation on this subject which may have surprised you?
What was most surprising for me was realizing that fundamentally we all need to be encouraged to think logically, it is what makes us human beings and there is nothing to be ashamed of when looking for decency in our lives.

PBR: Do you have any plans for other books on this topic, or perhaps other topics?
Yes, because the mind is the instrument that decide everything for the human being.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and for your time today.

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