Title: Freefare: Welcome to the Age of Entitlement
Author: Mark A. Kovel Sr.
Publisher: Westwood Books Publishing, LLC
ISBN: 978-1643610993
Pages: 145
Genre: Business & Money/Economics History

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Author Interview with Mark A. Kovel Sr.

PBR: Today we are with Mark A. Kovel, author of Freefare: Welcome to the Age of Entitlement. Thank you for joining us.

PBR: What sort of formal education have you had in the field of economics?
I have a two-year AA Degree with a major in Political Science but most of my economics insight stems from my experience of over 40 years owning a midsize insurance agency while also acting as the key producer and account manager for our largest clients. My interaction with key personnel associated with the purchase and management of los sensitive insurance programs provided an excellent platform to gain insight into the economics of operating a large business venture.

PBR: How has this book developed in your mind and on paper to become published?
It started with a conversation with a friend during which I stated that the most efficient method of providing everything that people in need feel they are entitled would be to just fulfill all their needs by providing a fully funded debit card while also eliminating the use of cash. My friend said, “you should write a book” and so it started!

PBR: How would you describe your perfect reading audience?
Anyone who feels the distribution of wealth in America unfairly favors the wealthy and those in need fall short in receiving all that the needy and their families feel they are entitled.

PBR: What would you like to see happen in our economic climate to better the lives of the general population?
Find a way to institute Freefare on a wholesale basis.

PBR: Who are some of your favorite authors?
James Michner, Jay Winik, Shelby Foote, Doris Goodwin Kearns

PBR: Are you working on a new project or book?
Yes, beginning a book on the genesis/source of the first 100 days of FDR’s term as President.

PBR: Thank you for sharing your thoughts and for your time.
My Pleasure

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