Author: Jeremy H. Johnson
Title: Behind The Stained Glass
Publisher: Black Rose
ISBN: 978-1612962054
Pages: 414, Paperback/Kindle
Genre: Mystery

Author Interview with Jeremy H. Johnson

Author Interview with Jeremy H. Johnson

Title: Behind The Stained Glass

1) PBR: What inspired you to write this story?

I was raised Catholic and kept a close eye on all the scandals that were happening within the church. I thought it would be a good story to write about similar events, but with a twist.


2) PBR: Are you working on anything right now? If so, can you give us any details?

I am about halfway done my third book called “The Pale Blue Door”. It is about a boy and his mom who leave home after finding out her husband cheated on her. They end up broke and staying at a roadside motel in Florida. The boy discovers the inhabitants of the motel are hiding dark secrets that will change his life forever.


3) PBR: Why a story about the church? Is this something you are very passionate about?

I think it was relevant to what is happening in our society. I am also passionate about my faith. The Catholic Church is a microcosm for a larger problem in our society. The system is broken and we need to return to more traditional values.


4) PBR: What is the one aspect of this story you hope your readers can take away from?

I tried to create characters that were relatable. They were flawed in one way or another, as we all are, but I strived to bring emotion into the story. Each person struggled with their own demons and each of them dealt with it in a different way. Sympathy can be drawn for each of them in some way, but it is how they dealt with their demons that separated them so significantly.


5) PBR: Do you have a specific writing style?

I right somewhat freestyle. I am not always sure how a story will develop, but I allow the story to write itself. I sit down with general ideas, but it seems to take a life of its own as I begin to actually put words to paper.


6) PBR: How did you come up with the title?

The title has several interpretations. What happens behind the stained glass of a church? What are the secrets that everyone doesn’t see? I also played on the word stained as for their lives were stained with problems and how they dealt with them.


7) PBR: What was the hardest part of writing your book?

Making sure you consistently keep the reader engaged. I have a tendency to go off on tangents when writing and have to reel myself back in to ensure I am not losing the reader. I want to entertain people. I want to tug at their heart-strings and make them feel like they know these people or are part of the story. I am extremely critical of myself and know I have yet to do my best work.

Author’s website

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