Title: Why Americans Are Fat and Sick: Hidden Toxins Cause Obesity, Heart Disease, and Cancer
Subtitle: Best Guide to Losing Weight, Looking Younger, and Being Healthy for Life
Author: Ahbonbon
Publisher: Ahbonbon LLC, Title published in Nov 2015, Copyright 2015
ISBN: 978-1-942512-01-1
Pages: 220
Genre: Non-Fiction/Health & Fitness/Healthy Living

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Written based on extensive research and a wealth of scientific data, this book reveals the real causes of premature aging, obesity, heart disease, and cancer: the large amount of hidden toxins you have been consuming or exposed to. So many products with health claims on the labels contain harmful ingredients that disrupt the endocrine system. Your favorite lotions or expensive cosmetic products may contain toxic chemicals. Dangerous levels of toxins could come from your own homes. What you all thought to be healthy and safe may be harmful to your health. Why do you gain weight when eating only diet foods? Why do your kids have learning disabilities? Why are more women at risk for breast cancer?


Why Americans Are Fat and Sick: Hidden Toxins Cause Obesity, Heart Disease, and Cancer is a beautiful, informative, and easy-to-read book. It is the best guide to losing weight, looking younger, and being healthy for life.

About the Author

Ahbonbon’s founder, Lynn Dangtu, is a multi-talented, multicultural, tri-lingual, and highly educated strategist, researcher, and entrepreneur who graduated from the University of Southern California with BS and MBA degrees. Daughter of a diplomat, she has traveled the world and lived in Vietnam, South Korea, Germany, and France. She now resides in the United States.

She began her career at Toyota Motor Sales USA, where she was in corporate market research and strategic planning along with training in the Toyota Production System. In 2002, she made history by winning a multi-million-dollar partnership from the US Department of Commerce to open an economic development center helping small businesses. Subsequently, she became a community leader and small business activist to negotiate with major banks and utilities companies to invest hundreds of million dollars into programs to help small businesses for a period of over fifteen years in California.

In 2012, Ms. Dangtu retired as a community leader and activist to found Ahbonbon LLC, a publishing house. Its mission is to provide readers with a pleasant reading experience while helping them expand their knowledge, live a healthy life, and follow their dreams. For further information, please visit www.ahbonbon.com.