Title: Catching Raven
Author: CB Tucker
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 9781543428919
Pages: 386
Genre: Fiction / Romance / Fantasy

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Samantha Raven is a single mother with a fifteen-year-old daughter, Elizabeth. She is a forensic accountant who is determined to protect her from all that is horrible with the world and is relatively successful until Trevor Paterson entered her life. From this point on, it became a wild ride, one she could barely hold on to until the truth came out. It wasn’t until she confronted her demon did she finally find peace and happiness.

About the Author

I have been to approximately 132 countries and I have lived in 10. I have situations from all over the world that beg to be placed into a book. I speak French and Spanish well enough to order food and Drink and I used to speak Thai. I am a Vietnam veteran and I was also in Iraq where I back packed for 10 months from the Saudi boarder all the way to Kirkuk. I have seen the horrors of war and the strains of peace. I have witnessed heroism and cowardice. I have learned that it is the character of one’s person that is important, not the color of his skin or the country they come from. I spent the last 6 years working for Diplomatic Security and i have now retired.

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