Title: Monitors of Mayhem
Author: Darleen Hayball Johnson
Publisher: Greenberry Publishing, LLC
ISBN: 9781947995796
Pages: 336
Genre: Fiction; Contemporary

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For centuries, Monitors have walked among us, studying us. We had nothing they wanted and we were too primitive to interact with them as equals, but from time to time we showed promise. About to explode in a series of volcanic eruptions, Yellowstone would cover the central plains of the continent with tons of rock. The planet would be darkened for years with ash that would cover the sun and change the climate for at least a decade. Billions of people could starve, and America’s international cultural dominance would certainly end. This was worth observing in greater detail. Even for scientists who were engineering their own genome while humanity’s ancestors were still in trees, a planetary-wide cataclysm is a rare opportunity. More Monitors were sent to set up observation centers to see firsthand how human societies would deal with this geologic upheaval. The Monitors would need the cooperation of their neighbors, if they could be trusted. “May you live in interesting times” is an ancient Chinese curse whose meaning will soon become abundantly clear.

About the Author

Darleen Johnson is a retired high school teacher who has had a love of reading and science fiction long before Star Trek. After reading about the threat of a Yellowstone eruption, she decided to use that as an opportunity for writing a book with a different explanation for vampires, UFOs, and extraterrestrial observers.

When she’s not writing, she’s reading, playing bridge or working for her non-profit public benefit corporation, Helping Other People Everywhere, Inc. She supports Kenyan nurseries, orphanages, and high schools by organizing projects which sponsor African teachers. (All profits made from this book will go to H.O.P.E. Inc.) In addition, she collects, washes, mends, and sorts school “lost and founds” to provide coats and sweaters for the needy in her community.
She currently resides peacefully in Hanford, California with Ann, Marco Antonio, Questor and all the rest of her friends and family.


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