Title: Color-Field Paintings
Authors: Fiore Ai and Fleur Yano
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1-5245-8912-7
Pages: 74
Genre: Art

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This book is a collection of prints and paintings by the artist Fiore Ai, who was inspired by the color-field and hard-edge geometric abstraction paintings of American art. The paintings depict translucent and prismatic light, with interplays of soft color gradations against hard edges and spatial divisions. They are at once subtle and bold, fluid and tense, moving across space that evokes a cosmic world.

About the Author

A printmaker and painter inspired by the Color-Field and Geometric Abstraction paintings of American art. The artist holds a B.A. degree from the University of California, Berkeley, M.A. degree from California State University, Los Angeles, and an M.F.A. degree from Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri. She also taught at junior colleges in St. Louis, Missouri and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

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