Title: Vice and Virtue
Author: James Sedgwick
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1-5144-1136-0
Pages: 172
Genre: Fiction

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I was in the midst of a long stroll and happened upon it one evening. A crusty blue neon light depicted a bottle of vodka, hanging crookedly in the window. I was wet and dreary, and miserably cold, so I stepped inside… One of the wonderful things about life is the mystery of opening a new door and having only the foggiest idea about what lies on the other side. When Leonid moves across the city into a grimy, seedy neighborhood, he is met with unfamiliar and uncomfortable surroundings. As he adopts a new pattern of living, he discovers – in sometimes humorous ways – that wisdom often comes from the unlikeliest of places. And so does love.

About the Author
James loves eating, loves thinking, and loves writing. Born in Kansas to parents that both grew up on farms, James appreciates the many benefits of rural living and dreams of someday owning a quiet place out in the country. He currently resides in Illinois, where he forges a career as a professional violinist.

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