Title: Nap Time Paintings
Subtitle: Thoughts on Motherhood through the Eyes of an Artist
Author: Jennifer Hynes
Publisher: Xlibris
ISBN: 978-1-5434-5559-5
Genre: Non-Fiction, Autobiographical, Art
Pages: 84

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Meristems are the cells where tree growth occurs. Nap Time Paintings is the narrative of cohesive bonds between mother/artist, husband, children, and the writings and art that emerge from those bonds. This book represents, through writings and visual representations, the meristems of the growth of an artist and her family. What you hold in your hands is a close written and visual documentation of lives, an artist and mother, a father and husband, the new lives of their twin children, the satellite project of paintings and writings that grew from and orbited around a family for the past four years. The writings contained in this book discuss myriad subjects: nature, the passage of time, poopy diapers, insomnia, depression, and moments of great creative exhilaration.

About the Author

Jennifer Hynes is a painter and writer in the California Bay Area. In her studio, she works with water-based media, and she also does collage and printmaking. Hynes writes on a regular basis for her blog, dirtylaundryblog.com. As an undergraduate at California State, East Bay, she studied printmaking with Enrique Chagoya while also studying painting and sculpture. Hynes earned a post-baccalaureate degree from the San Francisco Art Institute, where she further explored printmaking and mixed media.

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