Title: Waiting Still: God’s Glance
Author: Marie Stevens
Publisher: AuthorHouse
ISBN: 978-1-5462-0655-2
Pages: 46
Genre: Poetry, Spirituality

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It is fresh and new. A new approach to a God for all men, women and children no matter who you might be, or where you are! You are loved and it’s free for the asking. Just call out His name or seek Him in the silence of your heart. He is there, Stevens declares.

About the Author

Past life experiences in social/ societal research, and a career in Law Enforcement have prepared Marie Stevens in teaching and guiding instructing others.  A woman of great faith and daily devotion to our Lord now continues through her poetry and stories to assist and guide.  Today many need a voice of discernment addressing day to day realities of life and circumstance.  People caring, believing, hoping in others, but not able to overcome self-difficulties, indifferences, broken and unkept promises and relationships. There is an answer and it is love; God’s love. Healing, correcting, showing, guiding us who we are not only in Him, but, to each and all as well.

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