Title: The Life Stories of Peepaw
Author: Matthew Rucker
Publisher: Book Venture Publishing LLC
ISBN: 978-1643481227
Pages: 116
Genre: Autobiography

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This book consists of true short stories that happened throughout my life. It was written as a gift to my 13 year old granddaughter, Alyssa. In the ministry I found out that very few grandchildren know their grandparents. These stories will hopefully help Alyssa to know her PeePaw. I have given a broad view of stories from the funny to the sad. I have also tried to give some insight to help her in her life as well as you the reader, when similar situations occur. The book is about my faith, my love of people, and that I was a bit of a rascal. So enjoy my life stories and maybe gain some wisdom as you travel life’s road. God Bless.

About the Author
Reverend Matthew Rucker has an Engineering Degree from Georgia Tech and a Business Degree from the University of South Carolina. He has a Master of Divinity from Asbury Theological Seminary. He took a one year sabbatical to become certified as a Hospital Chaplin. He retired from the South Carolina Methodist Conference as a minister after 40 years of service. He now lives in Sandy Run, South Carolina with his wife, Angela and pug dog, Teddy. He attends his home church Beulah Methodist and raises cows. He is where he loves to be, back on the farm.

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