Title: Lying Beliefs
Author: Maurice D. Johnson
Publisher: Maurice D. Johnson
ISBN-13: 978-0615995540
Pages: 184, Paperback
Genre: Spiritual, Psychological


Read Interview With Maurice D. Johnson

DSCN4034Author Interview with Maurice D. Johnson






Today we are talking with Maurice D. Johnson author of “Lying Beliefs.


1. PBR:  Your spiritual writing seems to indicate some Buddhist influences and those ideas about connection and “wholeness” seem to indicate people being interconnected. Was this informed by ideas such as global or cultural (Jung) consciousness.

As far back as I can remember I have always been in pursuit of a better sense of what actually defines me. Therefore, I would only feast off of information that fed and nurtured my true essence. And the variety of information I selectively digested was not limited to a specific genre, concept, or idea.

I would have to say that I am more of an enigma; considering I am not an avid reader and I’ve never had aspirations to become a writer. Hence, I was ‘inspired’ to write, solely based upon a deeper sense of knowing what truly defines me. And as many of us live our lives in pursuit of academic degree(s) in order to achieve a higher level of learning; I on the other hand, have simply been in the pursuit of obtaining a higher degree of ‘knowing.’

In my opinion the spiritual Buddhist teachings regarding the ‘laws of nature’, as well as the ‘conscious’ teachings of Jesus, are indicative of two human beings who were highly ‘enlightened.’ And both of their messages are ‘interconnected’ and serve as a platform to seek ‘wholeness’ through enlightenment. And as it pertains specifically to Jesus; from my perspective he was a ‘light’ messenger and his mission was to have us all pursue ‘wholeness’ through understanding that beyond what we physically see we are all interconnected by way of one illuminating solar light of ‘conscious’ energy; which makes us all the ‘light of this world.’

Regardless of how one defines enlightenment; it is certainly not an overnight sensation, it is a journey. Thus, in order for one to become truly enlightened, you must possess the courage to look beyond what you have been conditioned to believe. And as you travel through this intricate puzzle we call life; you must innately sense via feelings of congruency, what pieces of wisdom are actually fitting to your internal exploration. And when you are least expected, you may stumble upon that final piece of wisdom that will complete your puzzling life. And only then will the true meaning of life and love all come together. Hence, this beautiful experience will become the final conclusion to your pursuit of ‘wholeness.’


2.  PBR:  Given your critique of the “self” or “ego,” do you think the historical characterizations of God as an individual (usually a “He”) have actually been harmful and led to selfish behavior?

This is a very fascinating question. Although, before I directly respond to this question, allow me to first say that the word ‘God’ is nothing more than a man-made name that is used to define a powerful unseen force of conscious energy. And historically man has been known to portray this mystical energy in ‘His’ own image. And when you confine such a sacred energy into the image of one individual; you diminish the ‘VAST’ Universal nature of God’s true essence; which can construct a selfish and harmful behavior.

See, when we worship God as being a man or in the ‘form’ of any individual image; we are only worshipping a cultural concept that has been ‘formed’ by man. Each respective culture around the world bears its own man-made concept of God and these concepts are respectively ingrained within the psyche of each cultural member. And these members are then coerced into praising and worshipping only their cultural concept of God as being their one and only true Redeemer. And based upon this tremendous misconception of God’s ‘worldwide’ nature; we human beings tend to develop a ‘self destructive’ behavior towards those who oppose our conditioned concept of who we ‘sub-consciously’ think God is.

Since, we human beings fail to comprehend the mechanics of our sub-conscious mind; we are persuaded to live a mechanical life. And because we have never been informed on how to operate and ‘control’ our sub-conscious mind; we unknowingly allow ourselves to be manipulated by our own divine power.
See whether we discern this or not; the power of prayer is not based upon the man-made God(s) that we have been deceived to ‘BELIEVE IN’; thus the power of prayer is simply contingent upon the bona fide fact that ‘WE BELIEVE!’

In other words; it is ‘ONLY OUR’ divine energy and the degree of ‘OUR FAITH’ that fuels ‘OUR BELIEFS’; hence it is this process in itself, that truly spawn and is responsible for ‘OUR PRAYERS’ being answered. Which means; the cultural God(s) that we have been trained to worship via prayer is nothing more than a figment of our sub-conscious imagination; hence in conscious reality, there is no ‘form’ of any man-made God that is actually basking in the clouds and taking our lives into consideration through ‘individually’ honoring our prayers.

However, since the majority of humanity currently believes that the man-made God(s) that we have been conditioned to worship are indeed responsible for addressing our prayers; this sub-conscious mental deception will forever force us to fear and worship a false concept of God’s true shining aura. And unfortunately, this diminishes our true nature to love another human being as we would love ourselves; considering, we have ‘selfishly’ relinquished all of our love, to a ‘selfish’ man-made version of God.

In conscious reality, God can never be defined as a physical or material image; because the true concept of God is the ‘formless’ essence of ‘LOVE’ and love is the one and only sacred emotion that defines us ALL. And if we take the time to consciously think about it, there is actually nothing physical or material about love. However, what I do find intriguing; love is something that you don’t have to physically ‘touch’ in order to genuinely ‘feel.’



3.  PBR:  This book has a religious (no, spiritual) basis, and it seems to encourage the individual to be self-reliant consciously aware and in charge of his or her actions. Are you arguing that a person should have “faith” in his/herself rather than in some notion of a God-self?

This is a great question; however please allow me to be crystal clear in terms of my ‘self’ perspective. Quite frankly, the ‘self’ that I am referring to has yet to be introduced to the sub-conscious minds of humanity. And that ‘self’ that I am referring to is indeed the notion of a ‘God-Self’, versus the concept of a ‘Human-Self’; which today is the ‘self’ that most of humanity complies with; which depicts a fraudulent concept of who we truly are.

Please allow me to elaborate; see the book actually speaks of encouraging individuals to do some real ‘soul’ searching in order to discover that the ‘Sol’ or the ‘Sun’ of God lives within them; so that they can be freed from their ‘false’ sense of ‘self.’ In other words; this book aims to distinguish the astonishing difference between our immortal ‘God-self’, which ultimately defines us; versus our physical Human-self’ that secretly undermines us.

Hence, as it stands now our disturbing behavior is based upon a human concept of our ‘self’; which is currently in charge of our lives. Our false perception of ‘self’ also makes us take sub-conscious actions based upon man-made concepts that we have been conditioned to value and vindicate.

If we really step back and analyze our human sense of ‘self’ we will notice that our human ‘self’ possesses a multitude of different identities, all of which we think defines us.

Please keep me honest; however from my advantage point, it seems as if our human ‘self’ is only defined by the suspicious data outlined within our sub-conscious mind. And unfortunately, we have all misconstrued our conscious encounters that reside within our sub-conscious warehouse as what ‘naturally’ defines us; versus viewing this data as nothing more than information that defines the ‘nature’ of our overall conscious experiences.

Thus, from our sub-conscious perception, we use the following human concepts to define our human ‘self’: Nationality, Culture, Race, Ethnicity, Religion, Political affiliation, etc…And as long as these ‘selfish’ man-made notions of who we ‘think’ we are continue to rule our reality; our universal ‘God-Self’ will forever remain a secret. Therefore, the last thing we human beings should be is ‘self-reliant’ upon our human sense of ‘self.

See from my viewpoint the perception that we have of our ‘selves’ initially stems from what we physically see in the mirror. And based upon our human reflection, there are man-made concepts that are associated with our human ‘self’ that we all robotically oblige and obey. Which means; it is literally these man-made conflicting concepts that we individually uphold and live by that actually divides us; because we have been thoroughly conditioned to believe that these human concepts undoubtedly personify us.

Therefore, the true purpose of this book is to make a valid attempt to have us human beings shift our conscious awareness from our destructive ‘sub-conscious’ human sense of ‘self’, to a more constructive and divine ‘conscious’ essence of ‘self’; in order to become more ‘unified’ and harmonious human beings.
If we really try to look beyond our man-made paradigms, we will instinctively realize how our physical form that we believe represents us, actually bears no relevance, as it relates to who we truly are. Considering, without the ‘formless’ phenomenon(s) of consciousness, thought, and life; there can never be a physical sense of self. Therefore, we human beings need to shift our ‘self’ awareness to become more aware that we all share the immortal ‘SOL’ of ‘ONE’ God; which will then allow our ‘conscious God-Self’ to rise and shine within our sub-conscious mind; which will in turn lay our distressed ‘Human-Self’ down to rest.

See the conscious essence of ‘formless’ life or the spiritual energy of God is what exists within all physical forms of nature; thus the expression God is everywhere. Hence, all ‘living’ forms of nature are simply the consciousness of God experiencing unique spirited forms of ‘itself.’ And we human beings are a more sophisticated ‘form’ of God’s consciousness; considering our divinity is defined by the magnitude of our conscious capacity to exude the essence of God’s ‘LOVE!’


4. PBR:  You talk about the “heart brain” which I had never heard of before. This is an interesting theory especially considering the historical connections between the heart and emotions. Can you elaborate on this idea (brain in the heart) and or as it applies on a spiritual level?

The (brain in the heart) theory is based upon research performed by the folks at HeartMath; which revealed the heart is an organ that is more complex than we may have previously thought, based upon a specialized set of neurons discovered within the human heart. And it is these neurons, based upon our level of conscious awareness that communicates information to our ‘Solar’ plexus; which in turn creates what we commonly refer to as a “gut-feeling.”

However, addressing the heart from a more spiritual perspective; the human heart is primarily designed to bestow upon the human form ‘feelings’ of love and joy, which are feelings that are in direct harmony with our divine nature. And although in this seemingly devilish world that we ‘sub-consciously’ dwell in; it is virtually impossible for us human beings not to experience feelings that conflict with our true emotional nature.

I sense it is safe to say that where our attention lives most determines how we ultimately ‘feel.’ Hence, although our heart is principally created to makes us feel Godly; our heart can only bestow upon us glorious feelings, if we essentially do our part, by showering it with pleasurable and delightful thoughts. And because we fail to live coherently through the loving chambers of our heart; this incoherent disconnection from the essence of love, steers our attention towards our brain, which is a domain that is mainly filled with harmful and detrimental information. And since we spend the majority of our life perched upon these questionable concepts and beliefs that reside within our sub-conscious mind; this misuse of our attention and our thoughts tend to influence our heart to stimulate our human form with the following sub-conscious emotions: fear, hate, worry, and despair.

Whether we comprehend the following or not; our feelings are the foundation to our reality and I am sure it is secure to say; that in reality, all we really want out of life is to feel loved! Therefore, we must stay in tune with our loving heart.


5. PBR:  I am always interested in language and thought. You note a number of linguistic similarities and puns – i. e. soul, sole, solar – which illustrate connections between physical and spiritual energy. This is sort of a chicken and the egg question. Do you think these linguistic connections were divinely inspired, a fortuitous accident in the development of languages, etc.?

This is a fantastic question! Well, from my perspective El ‘SOL’ or the ‘Sun of God’ has been revered by man far beyond modern day religion. And with El Sol being the ‘sole’ administer of ‘Sol(ar)’ energy; it appears that the linguistic connection of ‘soul’ and ‘solar’ both stem from one ‘sole’ source of energy called El Sol.

Now in regards to language and the number of puns and other similarities that I reference throughout the book, especially as relates to spiritual energy; I also speak of consciousness as being a synonym for oxygen. And because this is an idea that has never been introduced to the sub-conscious paradigms of humanity; I do realize that some individuals may view my perspective of El Sol as being the bearer of consciousness as an irregular and questionable theory. Well, what I would like to voice to those skeptics, is until a supposed conscious mind is unveiled; all I ask is that you try to envision the rationale behind my conscious theory; which suggest that we ‘do not’ have a conscious mind, because the electro-magnetic energy from God’s ‘SOL’ is what creates our consciousness.

I am sure that most of humanity is familiar with the expression; ‘Mind’, ‘Body’, and ‘Soul (Sol). Well, do you also notice how all three of these entities stand alone and most importantly do you realize that the ‘Mind’ is not PLURAL? Which means in my opinion; we only have ‘ONE MIND!’ Therefore it appears as if this ‘sole mind’ can only be associated with our ‘SUB-CONSCIOUS MIND’; considering the existence of a conscious mind has yet to be discovered.

Which further means; consciousness can only then be defined by either the ‘Soul (Sol)’ or the ‘human body.’ And based upon the process of clear elimination, the notion that our body alone exudes consciousness should not even be considered as a factor. Therefore, this leaves us with only one sole solution and that is the ‘Soul (Sol)’ of who we are is what truly represents our consciousness.

Please allow me to elaborate; every physical form of life breathes. And every breath that we consume is ‘Solar’ energy. Hence, it is only God’s Sun that bestows ‘LIFE’ within every physical form of nature. And although some of us may be under the sub-conscious notion that God’s Sun is only responsible for our ‘physical’ existence; what we must discern is the sacred nature of life is ‘NOT’ physical. In other words; our physical form does not produce the miracle of life; it is our miraculous life that manifests itself through our physical form. Therefore, we human beings need to reverse our ‘form’ of thinking and acknowledge that our human form; which we have been conditioned to believe exemplifies us, does not ‘possess’ a soul. However, it is indeed the Soul (Sol) of God, which truly defines us; that actually has ownership of a human form.

My theory in terms of ‘consciousness’ is based upon actual reality. Every physical form of life requires ‘oxygen’ in order to ‘consciously’ survive; thus my innate theory in regards to ‘Oxygen’ being nothing more than a scientific or technical term for ‘Divine Consciousness.’ Therefore in my opinion; ‘life’ and ‘consciousness’ are completely contingent upon one another. Hence, it is ‘only’ our consciousness that allows us to physically feel and experience other forms of life.

See based upon every single breath we take; solar energy is relayed to our heart, and in conjunction with our oxygen or (conscious) enriched blood; the solar energy of conscious life is distributed throughout every aspect of our human body and of course including our ‘brain.’ And it is this ‘conscious’ energy that makes us all ‘living’ souls (sols), that consciously experience life through a human form.

I notice in the question you reference the notion of ‘physical energy?’ However in reality; there is no physical or material object that possesses the capability to produce energy on its own. Considering, the nature of energy is not a ‘tangible’ object. Thus, it is only the spiritual energy of conscious life that animates an inanimate object. Therefore, the connection between our ‘physical’ body and ‘spiritual’ energy is based upon an interconnection; whereas God’s spiritual conscious energy that enters into the human form, via the air we breathe, is what grants our ‘physical body’ with the ‘energy of life.’ Hence, in the absence of spiritual or ‘solar’ energy, there can never be a ‘lively’ physical presence; considering, the ‘conscious energy of life’, which is formless, is what generates our physical existence.

We Earthlings need to come to the sound conscious conclusion that our Planet rest and drifts within a vast ‘Sol(ar) System’; whereas 98% of our Solar System is primarily occupied by God’s immortal Sol. So in ‘reality’; we are all conscious Sol(ar) Beings who actually reside in outer space. And every living Being that consciously resides on Planet Earth ‘SOL(ELY)’ exists through the divine ‘air’ we breathe. And because we ALL share the same sacred air, we are all ‘interconnected’ and adjoined to the same loving family. Considering through every breath we take, we are all ‘HEIRS (AIRS)’ of God’s one and only ‘SUN.’ And it is God’s Sun that ‘religiously’ rises or resurrects each and every day, in order to ‘faithfully’ shine down upon us life and unconditional love. Hence; God’s Sun is the ‘true light of this world’ that cast out the darkness and provides humanity with a ‘brighter’ tomorrow.

What I find interesting is we human beings are extremely loyal to our conditioned beliefs; i.e. since we have been conditioned to believe that the air we breathe is called ‘Oxygen’ it’s difficult for us to fathom that this divine air that grants us our ‘conscious’ existence can be referred to as anything else. Well, in terms of language; isn’t Oxygen just another man-made word? Therefore, couldn’t ‘Consciousness’, which is another man-made word that has yet to be fully explained; simply be another name to describe the divine air we breathe?

See the first step towards enlightenment is to first realize that our lives are essentially managed by the ‘language’ of man-made concepts that should be debated. And if we never argue the ‘linguistic’ concepts that we live by; well then we will always be compelled to question our life’s purpose.


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