Title: How To Publish A Bestselling Book… and Sell It WORLDWIDE Based on Value, Not Price!
Author: Kim Staflund
Publisher: Polished Publishing Group (PPG)
ISBN: 978-0-9864869-8-2
Pages: 174 pages
Genre: Non-Fiction; Business How-To; Business Self-Help


Author’s Website



Whether you’re writing a fictional novel, a cookbook, or a “how to” book, publishing a book is a business venture. All authors are entrepreneurs. And the first thing every entrepreneur should ask himself or herself is this: do I offer the best value in my field, or do I offer the best price? This is a vitally important question to ask of yourself before you begin the publishing process of your book. Why? Because, if you offer the best value in your field, you need to promote your business (and everything related to it—including your book!) using value-based selling. If you offer the best price, you need to promote your book using price-based selling. Consistency is the key to long-term success no matter what industry you’re in. If you want to produce a book that presents you as an industry expert in your field, it must be completed by an industry expert in the book publishing field. That’s exactly what PPG is. There’s a right way to do this if you want to create a professional-quality bestselling book, while still maintaining 100% copyright ownership of both your words and your artwork. In this book, we’ll discuss the whole book publishing process in fair detail to help you understand what needs to be prepared in advance of submitting your book to PPG for publication. We’ll discuss those little extras that one must do if one wishes to stand out from the rest (e.g., including an index in the back of a non-fiction book). PPG puts all its authors’ books through the proper, complete publishing process—one that you simply won’t be able to achieve by yourself—while allowing you to maintain full copyright ownership of the entire end product. By the time you’re done reading this book, hopefully you’ll have gained some valuable insight into what it truly takes to produce a saleable book and how to market it to your desired demographic. Better yet, you’ll have all the tools you need to get that book into the hands of those desired customers all around the world, land on a coveted bestseller list in your area, and earn a healthy profit in the process. That is my wish for you.
About The Author

As a book publisher, Kim Staflund works with businesses and individuals around the world to produce superior quality ebooks, paperbacks, and hardcovers. As the founder and publisher at Polished Publishing Group (PPG), she has extensive experience with the traditional (trade), vanity, and supported self-publishing business models as both a service provider and an author. Kim built her company from the perspective of the author—taking the best practices from each business model to create a company that puts its authors first, while ensuring a professional, salable result.

Think of PPG as a skilled project manager for self-publishing authors. Using the supported self-publishing business model, the company assists authors in producing truly professional books by guiding them through the entire process from conception to publication. PPG helps both individuals and businesses to publish quality books and provides them with online distribution opportunities throughout the world.

In addition to her writing and book publishing background, Kim has a substantial sales and sales management history that includes new business development, both inside and outside account management of all types and sizes of companies, and personnel management and leadership experience within unionized and non-unionized environments. Add her firsthand knowledge of records management, process management, and project management into the mix and you have everything that is required in a professional book publisher to help authors everywhere succeed.

Kim’s number one priority in each of these roles has always been, and will always be, to earn (and keep) the trust of each of her clients by providing honest, ethical, and thoughtful customer service that meets or exceeds
their expectations.


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