Title: Lord Computesalot, Ruler of Aurora Bullyalis, and His Secret Quest to End Bullying
Author: Regina Davis and Carolyn Royer Spencer
Publisher: AuthorHouse
ISBN: 978-1-5246-2785-0
Pages: 40
Genre: Illustrated Children’s book

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This colorful, clever fantasy shows children how ridiculous and hurtful bullying is and presents it in a different perspective by having the adults bully each other. It was created by two experienced and caring teachers whose goal is to help those who have been or will be bullied. Bullying can affect all ages and is detrimental to self-esteem and self-worth.

About the Author

Regina Davis was born and raised in Long Island, New York and now lives in Virginia Beach. She received her B.S. in Education from St. John’s University and her M.A. from Hofstra. Regina was Reading Teacher of the Year at Newtown Road Elementary in Virginia Beach and is a member of the International Reading Association, Cape Charles Historical Society, National Education Association, and Madison Who’s Who, for which she was recently chosen to be “Woman of the Year”. She enjoys writing poetry and her poem “Tomorrow” was published in “Across the Universe” in 1996. After teaching elementary school for thirty-seven years in New York and Virginia, she recently retired. Her hobbies are reading, writing, and travel. She loves animals, especially cats. Carolyn Royer Spencer is a lifetime resident of Norfolk, Virginia. She received her B.S. in Visual Arts and her B.S. certification in Early Childhood and Elementary Education from Old Dominion University. Carolyn taught kindergarten, Title 1 kindergarten, first, and second grades for almost thirty years in Norfolk and Virginia Beach and served as a career teacher. She is a member of the International Reading Association and the Cape Charles Historical Society. Her hobbies include golf, travel, and charity work for the children’s hospital. She believes that art can be a positive means for children who have been bullied to express their inner feelings and can help them to resolve their hurt. Her first published illustrations were in the book, “Señor Smarty Pantaloons and the Mystery of the Missing Teachers”.

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