Title: Economic Optimization of Innovation & Risk
Author: Robert Shuler
Publisher: Robert Shuler
ISBN: 978-0-9911130-4-0
Pages: 100
Genre: Non-fiction, Business

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A Theory of Crash Rate for Private & Public Projects with Critical or non-Critical systems. Examine possibilities for managing the crash rate of countries and even the world. Analyzing & managing risk has been a quest for 5000 years, and is essential to everything from water supplies, finance, and agriculture to computers and space travel. At last there is a quantitative theory and a simple equation that allows you to: - choose your failure rate - get there optimally - avoid unexpected effects - profit where the competition fails Work a project example based on real-world data to manage the risk of a for-profit 10-passenger transport to an orbital tourism facility.


About the Author

Robert combines 50 years investing experience with the knack for finding hidden principles of a successful rocket scientist with half a dozen patents and several dozen publications in fields ranging from economics (corporate risk compensation, the equity premium) to physics (inertia & quantum gravity). He lives in Texas with his wife Natasha.

You can contact me or get new release notices at http://shulerresearch.wordpress.com/


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