Title: Horses for Courses: A Beginner’s Guide
Author: Russell S. Stokes
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1-5434-0927-7
Pages: 64
Genre: Animal Care & Pets

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I started writing this book many years ago, and it has just been gathering dust, as I did not know the process involved in getting a book published. However, I went on a holiday to Malaysia, and I was telling a lady friend I had just met that I had enough information about horses to write three books. The first one is for beginners. Without my knowledge, she contacted a book publisher and started the ball rolling. For myself, learning about horses was all hands-on working and learning over many years. However, these days, new riders are learning from TAFE courses, riding schools, pony clubs, books, and the internet. In my day, this was not the case. I left home at the age of fourteen to start learning about horses, as from a very early age, I knew I wanted to be a jockey. My love for horses has never faded.

About the Author

This is the first book by new author Russell S Stokes. Russell has extensive knowledge of horses; his background is in horse racing, competing as an international rider and educating beginner horse riders. Furthermore, Russell has over four decades of experience with horses; teaching as a qualified horse riding instructor, jockey, trainer, conditioner and horse breaker. As an international expert, Russell’s skills and knowledge have led him to travel the globe including locations such as; Japan, New Caledonia, Singapore, Malaysia as well as many towns across Australia. Utilizing these opportunities to educate others, whilst expanding his own knowledge.

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