Title: The Song of Zong
Author: William A. Moses
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1-6641-3227-6
Pages: 30
Genre: Illustrated Children’s Book

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About the book – The Song of Zong takes you to a far place called the planet of Zong was the people they love to have fun, play, and sing all day. When a group of friends Fling Flong, Wing Wong, & Bing Bong, meet up and proceed through their daily communication with each other through song and dance. They travel to the adventures places as they connect with more people the song grows as well as the adventure grows and they have fun as the song increase. Who inspires me – This book was inspired by my friends and me, growing up in the urban city of Paterson NJ. It depicts our unique way of look at life through the lens or our weird alien outlook and our love for dancing and rap music. The reason behind the book – Through the use of these rhythms and poetry (RAP) we are able to communicate our repetitive translations. It was later in life I discovered learning through rap and repetition was paramount in my early development and I learned how to teach this particular skill set with colorful images.

About the Author

William Moses is a project designer for global architecture firms. As a native of Paterson NJ he volunteers his time teaching design techniques and building design concepts, to youth.

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