Title: The Big House: Toronto General Hospital From 1972 To 1984
Author: Hugh Cameron, Edna Quammie
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1796060751
Pages: 136
Genre: Biographies & Memoirs

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This book arose from a conversation between Hugh Cameron, an orthopedic surgeon, and Edna Quammie, an OR nurse, reminiscing about their shared memories. It was proposed at a dinner meeting of the Dinosaur Club, a group of doctors and nurses and technicians who worked in the operating room in Toronto General Hospital in the seventies and eighties. It tells of the thrills and spills-sometimes funny, sometimes sad-about life in the OR at that time which followed Woodstock, which, in a sense, changed a North American generation. There are some larger-than-life characters, many now long gone. The group felt that this snapshot of history, this tale of their youth, should be written now while there were some left who would treasure these memories of times past.

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