Title: Discontinue Leeches!! And Other Stories from an ENT’s Training
Author: Amit Patel
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1543480368
Pages: 406
Genre: Non-fiction/Medical Books
Reviewed by: Anthony Avina

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Going to the doctor is something many people dread. The prospect of being sick or having to deal with some uncomfortable medical procedure can be stressful and hard to handle for a lot of people. Yet there is another side to that coin. Being a doctor is not always easy, especially with the large amounts of different ailments, personalities and colleagues one has to deal with on a daily basis. One area of the medical field that doesn’t always get the attention it deserves is that of ENT’s, otherwise known as Ear, Nose and Throat specialists. In author Amit Patel’s novel Discontinue Leeches!! And Other Stories from an ENT’s Training, readers are given a rare and unique look into the world of an ENT specialist and what it takes to get fully accredited in the field.

Ewa Kopacz once said, “I am a doctor – it’s a profession that may be considered a special mission, devotion. It calls for involvement, respect and willingness to help all other people.” In Amit Patel’s book, this sentiment is more readily seen than ever before. In a humorous and relatable tone of voice, the author shares stories involving patients, fellow doctors, attending physicians and so much more.

Unlike most medical based books, I think the author did a wonderful job making the material something relatable and honest. I think the author’s work can be seen clearly in this passage: “Patient: I feel so much better. Say, you look to be a young feller. That makes me so happy to see young folk becoming doctors. We need more of you. Me: Well, I’m glad I could help you out. Hopefully this won’t happen again. Patient: Well, I’m tickled pink to have met you, sonny! (Turns beet red.) Patient: I’m sorry you remind me of my grandson. I meant to say “sir.” Discontinue Leeches!! 309 And Other Stories from an ENT’s Training (Considers it again.) Patient: Actually, I mean to say, thank you, doctor! Me: You’re very welcome, and don’t worry about it. We’ll see you later. (Sometimes it’s worth it.)”

This book is perfect for anyone looking to learn more about the ENT field, and get a firsthand look at what an ENT residency looks like. Those who are interested in the medical field and stories involving patients and the interactions residents have while working will love the humorous and outrageous tales that the author relates here. From thankful patients to demanding attending physicians and criminal outbreaks, this book has stories for every occasion, no matter how outlandish they may seem. As someone who has physical disabilities and deals with medical professions constantly, it was interesting to me to see the other side of the coin and how training physicians go through things.

This book is very well written. Filled with personal stories both inside an ENT residency and in his life, author Amit Patel does a wonderful job highlighting the inner workings of an ENT’s life. It’s a medical book anyone can delve into and enjoy. If you haven’t yet, be sure to grab your copy of Amit Patel’s Discontinue Leeches!! And Other Stories from an ENT’s Training today!

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