Title: Find My Hidden Rose
Author: Sharlyn Duval
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1-9845-2549-9
Pages: 68
Genre: Memoir, Spiritual
Reviewed By: Tiffany Ezuma

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Find My Hidden Rose by Sharlyn Duval is a compactly written memoir that chronicles the spiritual journey of the author and her experiences following Lord Bahá’u’lláh, the messenger God sent who has guided her throughout life.

Tracing back to childhood at age three, Duval paints the picture of a child who has struggled and been underestimated since the beginning. The author recounts instances of being called a “dunderhead” and being bullied by classmates including a harrowing incident of being chased from school and beaten up. But very early on, God communicated with the Duval through his messenger.

The first instance Duval remembers of experiencing a spiritual presence was being able to reach out and touch a beam of light.It wasn’t until the event Duval describes as “The Fallen Cross” that she truly realized God was trying to communicate with her. One night while praying, a cross fell on the ground and instead of picking it up, Duval listened to the message God was telling her: do not pick up the cross, it’s not for you. Realizing it was a test of obedience Duval complied. Over the course of the memoir, other such tests and experiences occurred throughout her life. Duval’s writing style tells these stories in a clear, concise manner which engages the reader to think back and reflect on times in their own life when God or one of his messengers may have been communicating.

The simplicity and straightforward nature of the memoir make the extraordinary feel as if it is an everyday occurrence. While this memoir may not be for someone who doesn’t already have a relationship with God, it is surely for those who feel like they’re on the path to deepen their spiritual journey.

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