Title: Freefare: Welcome to the Age of Entitlement
Author: Mark A. Kovel Sr.
Publisher: Westwood Books Publishing, LLC
ISBN: 978-1643610993
Pages: 145
Genre: Business & Money/Economics History
Reviewed by: Anthony Avina

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Tyler Cowen once said, “Economics is everywhere, and understanding economics can help you make better decisions and lead a happier life.” Yet if government programs continue to keep the divide between the upper and lower classes, how can one fairly achieve a complete understanding of economics and live a happy life at once? This leads author Mark A. Kovel Sr. to look into the practice of Freefare in his novel, Freefare: Welcome to the Age of Entitlement.

In this novel, the author uses a rich knowledge of both history and finances to lay out the way Freefare will help build the economy in the nation of the United States. Here we see a system which eliminates social classes altogether, giving anyone in the nation a chance to thrive and grow – rather than those born into high society. Through this system government sponsored programs such as Welfare, used to target lower class citizens rather than help them, will be eliminated, and replaced with programs that allow anyone to thrive and grow no matter who they were born as or what social class they were born into.

What really drew me into the book was the use of historical references to illustrate how the economy grew in the US and how it ended up where it is today. While I am interested in economics, the history behind such a subject and how it ties into the world’s events from the founding of the United States to WWII, and later into recent times really fascinate me. You can see in passages such as this one, where the author states, “America’s founding fathers fully understood that personal freedom is inextricably tied to economic freedom. One cannot exist without the other. The colonists fought the American Revolution to escape the onerous economic and political controls imposed by the British monarchy (think taxation without representation).”

This book is definitely for anyone with a fascination with economics, history or a look into social issues altogether. Seeking to understand the current economy of the United States and how it has created the social issues we have today, from poverty and widespread homelessness to the rich getting richer while the lower classes suffer, this book explores the economy in a fresh new way; sure to draw in casual and expert economists everywhere.

This is a must read novel for anyone hoping to better understand the economy overall. With an expert knowledge of the economy and based in historical context, this novel explores the subject in a whole new light that is sure to keep the reader invested. A moderately quick read, this book cuts to the core of the United States economic woes and points to a brighter future that gives everyone a chance to thrive. For a fresh insight into the world we live in, pick up your copy of author Mark A. Kovel Sr.’s novel Freefare: Welcome to the Age of Entitlement today.

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