Title: Healing and Transformation: Moving from the Ordinary to the Extraordinary
Author: Eric Alsterberg
Publisher: Eloquent Books
ISBN: 978-1606936245
Pages: 288
Genre: Mental & Spiritual Healing/Happiness Self-Help/Motivational Self-Help
Reviewed by: Anthony Avina

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The decision one makes about their viewpoint and stance on spirituality and beliefs is a truly personal one. No one in this world can decide for you what you are going to believe, and deciding to take a path down a particular spiritual journey is something a person must come to understand on their own. As Deepak Chopra once said, “Spirituality is meant to take us beyond our tribal identity into a domain of awareness that is more universal.”

In author Eric Alsterberg’s Healing and Transformation: Moving from the Ordinary to the Extraordinary, the decision to connect with a divine power from within ourselves comes into play as the author seeks to guide readers to a better understand of themselves and their role as co-creator with God, or the Divine One. Using his unique expertise, the author tackles the challenges of day to day life and showcases how these problems could easily become opportunities to evolve on a more spiritual, physical, mental and emotional level all at once.

The author writes with a tone which speaks of authority and understanding of the topic. Extremely well written, the author does a marvelous job of examining the role spirituality can have on the spiritual person’s life, showcasing that in the author’s words, we are all seeking to balance the spiritual nature of ourselves with our human side. One interesting subject the author covered that spoke to me personally was the concept of masculinity of the ego versus the spiritual masculine personality, and how identifying and working to acknowledge the feminine side is a much more accurate representation of masculinity.

This is a book written for those who enjoy self-help books, motivational books, and books that touch upon and deal with spirituality. The concept of exploring one’s connection to the world around them and growing from adversity is something everyone can relate to, and makes the theme and message of the book stand out for many different audiences.

This is fast-paced, well-written and engaging read for anyone seeking a more spiritual guide in life. A new and interesting way to approach the issues we face in our daily lives, readers will appreciate the author’s authenticity and creative voice that he speaks to readers with, so if you haven’t yet be sure to grab your copy of Healing and Transformation: Moving from the Ordinary to the Extraordinary by Eric Alsterberg.

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