Title: Hitler: Could It Happen Again?
Author: Paul Lefort, MD
Publisher: iUniverse
ISBN: 978-1532059063
Pages: 392
Genre: History
Reviewed by: Anthony Avina

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The great philosopher Socrates once said, “From the deepest desires often comes the deadliest hate.” In the book by author Paul Lefort, MD, titled Hitler: Could It Happen Again?, the life of history’s most despicable dictator and warmonger is explored in great detail, showcasing the man’s deepest desires and how it lead to the greatest and most deadly hatred known to mankind.

In the book, the author explores one simple question: How did Hitler become the evil person history remembers him as, and could it possibly happen again in our current society? From Hitler’s family history and the growing ethnic hatred stirring amongst the people of Germany and Austria during his childhood, to the failures of his youth that caused him to hate the society that had rejected him and his rise to power within the Nazi Party, this book explores the mental and emotional state of this evil person, and how the world around him and his own preconceived notions influenced the deadliest campaign of any war in human history.

What really stuck out to me when reading this was the author’s experience as a medical doctor familiar with behavioral analysis and psychology mixed with the extensive historical knowledge that was prevalent throughout the entirety of the book. As shown in this passage, “The Nazi ideology took root in the same soil where the world’s greatest thinkers, composers and scientists flourished. It demonstrates clearly that the development of a society is not enough to maintain humanist values enshrined in the charters bearing on human rights.” The author demonstrates a firm understanding of the history while showcasing to readers a new perspective on the atrocities of WWII. Rather than seeing an evil man’s vision springing to life overnight, we see a period of political instability and a rise in distrust amongst various ethnic groups that allowed Hitler and his hate-filled vision of the future to come to fruition.

This is a must read book for anyone interested in history or politics, most notably anyone interested in the history behind Hitler and WWII. As a history buff myself, it was fascinating not only to delve into this chaotic and horrific period of time, but to explore the origins of history’s greatest villain thus far. It’s hard not to see the parallels to our current world today. While not specifically calling out anyone, the author’s analysis of Hitler and how he came to power showcases a repeated pattern in our current society, most notably the increased violence, bigotry and hatred coming from the leadership of the United States and their supporters. It’s the fear of history repeating itself that makes this book much more relevant, and engaging to readers as well.

Overall this was a great read. Clear and concise throughout the entirety of the book, the author does a fantastic job of bringing the brutal truth of Hitler to life. A detailed analysis of his life and actions that solidified him in the history books as the most hated man in history, the author brilliantly uses their expertise to delve into the man’s mindset and ideology and showcase how these horrific years came to be. If you are a fan of history or want to learn more about how Adolf Hitler came to be, then read Hitler: Could It Happen Again? today!

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