Title: I Know Why Young Men Rage
Author: Thomas Johnson the Benevolent Tinker
Publisher: Westbow Press
ISBN: 978-1512772715
Pages: 124
Genre: Religious/Spiritual
Reviewed by: Anthony Avina

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One of the oldest tests and issues a person can face is the test of family. Finding that unit that bonds you to another or others is what challenges us to find our way in life. As writer Richard Bach once said, “The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life.” In author Thomas Johnson the Benevolent Tinker’s book I Know Why Young Men Rage, a look into the breakdown of family units and the path back to hope and peace through religion is brought to light.

In the book, the author explores the lack of a relationship with God through Christianity and Jesus Christ has led to the breakdown of the family unit as a whole, causing husbands to leave wives, children to grow up fatherless or motherless, and in that mentality the children become fearful of meaningful connections and relationships, resulting in young men who are angry and filled with rage.

This is a succinct, easy to read book that delves into detailed studies and passages related to Christianity and the Bible, and its relationship to family life. Highlighting the need to trust in God to face the darkness in life and live through the pain it causes in order to heal others that they themselves may alleviate hurt along the way; this book is the perfect blend of religion and behavioral studies from a family perspective, which is not something that is easily or readily explored often.

This is a book for anyone who is religious, specifically those who are interested in or believe in Christianity, and the relationship God has to the life of a family unit and the development of the children of that very family. What I took away from the book was the sense that in times of struggle and need, it’s ok to reach out to others for a helping hand or just to lean on in order to recover and find happiness again. Isolation and severing connections and relationships as a whole lead down some dark paths not meant to be walked alone, and whether it is through religion or some other means, finding the path back to connecting with another person can help find the light once again.

This was a quick, easy read for anyone who tends to be religious and seeks the path to God and religion to help them build upon their relationships and especially family life. A well-researched and thoroughly explored look into the world of relationships and behavior within a religious setting by the author, this book will resonate with a lot of people and should not be missed. So be sure to grab your copy of author Thomas Johnson the Benevolent Tinker’s I Know Why Young Men Rage today to find out for yourselves how to find your way back into the light through religion and God overall.

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