Title: Love Through Time
Author: Kelly S. Scandizzo
Publisher: Book Venture Publishing LLC
ISBN: 978-1-64166-017-4
Pages: 148
Genre: Fiction/Fantasy
Reviewed by: Jessica Schmidt

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Love Through Time is an interesting combination of fiction, fantasy and reality, containing interesting characters and story elements. Author Kelly S. Scandizzo’s main character seeks to escape a tragic loss by visiting her grandmother in Scotland.   A change of scenery is always a good idea, however, for the main character the escape expands into a different time-period, realm, and the line between fantasy and reality. The author is a gifted storyteller able to keep the reader’s interest and spin an interesting tale with many adventures for her heroine.

Aside from a few proof reading oversights, I feel this book is interesting to a wide audience. It would be appropriate from young adults up to adults of all ages. There are many universal themes included in the story such as grief, lost love and family history. During the main character’s visit to her grandmother’s home, she learns the surprising story of how her grandparents met and their romance through keepsakes stored in the attic. The still unanswered questions lead her to the local library to do research to help locate more information about her grandfather’s past.

As a result of learning more about her family history, she is compelled to continue the quest fueled by the depth of the love between her grandparents. Through focusing on her family’s past, she begins to heal from the tragic loss of her daughter and husband. She travels back in time to find her grandfather and bring him back to present day. To accomplish this mammoth task, she must disguise herself as a young man in order to move around freely and learn new skills like horseback riding and sleeping under the stars. She has an experienced guide and meets other characters along the way who cause her pain and suffering and others who help her succeed.

I enjoyed reading Love Through Time and was compelled to keep reading to find out what happens next. I found myself rooting for the heroine and hoping that time travel really is possible so long lost loves can return and reunite. I can relate well to the universal themes of grief and love and want to know what will happen when the story continues in the sequel. The Scottish brogue and culture are woven through the story with phonetic spellings which give the book an authentic feel and help immerse the reader in the story and add depth to the characters.

Love through Time is a story full of imagery, hope, history and love. It is a well crafted story which I highly enjoyed. It is a good length to keep most audiences captivated that ends with a teaser to set the reader up to wonder what the future holds for the characters so that they will be awaiting the sequel.