Title: My Puppet Master
Author: Olivia Brighten
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1-9845-3638-9
Pages: 82
Genre: Poetry / Non-Fiction
Reviewed by: Aaron Washington

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In the introduction part of My Puppet Master, author Olivia Brighten states that the poems written are an attempt to discover and know one’s self-better. I loved that in the same introduction, the author addresses the readers as if they were having a one-onone conversation. Seeing that the intent of the book was to tell her addiction story, coping mechanism, struggles, and triumph; the author did a great job in raising awareness and telling the story of an addict. Her words are so real and powerful that I felt immediately how well she is gifted with the power of narration.

The first poem is titled “You had me at hello.” In this poem, the persona seems to be conversing with a close subject. The persona needs to know the subject’s name. In the subject’s presence, the persona feels at peace and comfortable. I could feel how cozy the persona felt.

“Magnetism” is one of the shortest poems in the book. How can a poem be so short yet carry so much weight? Like the title suggests, the persona talks about being attracted to a person whom she met when their eyes interlocked. ”I knew it had to be you. Whom I needed all this time.” That message was so specific. I wish I could meet the subject in the poem. The author used simple words, but when reading over and over, one sees how much impact the poem has. Page after page, the reader meets wonderful words, beautiful phrases and an amazing flow of the text. It’s not difficult to fall in love with the author. Her mind is brilliant, and the story she shares in this book is exceptional. Each poem tells a different tale. Every line evokes a unique feeling. Olivia Brighten is just the best. The poems give an insight into a fraction of Olivia Brighten’s life. Having battled drug abuse, one can’t help but admire how far the author has come. I love the determination and hope in the author’s words.

Reading the book was fulfilling because there are so many lessons the reader could learn from the author’s life. In My Puppet Master, the author highlighted the plight of drug addicts and how much of a menace addiction is. I enjoyed going through Brighten’s book as she knew how to pick the appropriate words. This book is not only encouraging but also fantastic. It sometimes reads like a memoir. Olivia’s form of poetry is commendable, as it is easy to understand. I appreciate her simplicity in telling her story. She knows how to grasp the reader’s attention, as she talks of things that happen in real life. Olivia is inspiring.

I recommend this book to anyone who has addiction problems, folks who struggle with substance abuse, readers who enjoy simple poetry and every literature lover. Despite the few pages it has, My Puppet Master has a lot of beneficial information.

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