Title: The Mystery Mission of Salvation in Christ Jesus: Birth, Mission, Death, and Resurrection
Author: Dr. Ibim Alfred
Publisher: AuthorHouseUK
ISBN: 9781546281160
Pages: 276
Genre: Religion. Christian Theology / Soteriology
Reviewed by: Susan Milam

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Dr. Ibim Alfred, author of The Mystery Mission of Salvation in Christ Jesus, writes like the scholar he is. He fills the book with statements backed by Scripture and research. However, Dr. Alfred’s message isn’t directed toward Bible students alone. He seeks to bring new believers into the fold, to strengthen those whose faith may be wavering and to reinforce the faith of those who are strong in the Lord.

The book’s opening chapter lays the foundation for Dr. Alfred’s analysis of the path to salvation. He calls on all church leaders to stress the importance of “the four holy pillars” that “help all believers” during their “spiritual pilgrimage.” These “quadruplet cornerstones” are enumerated as the birth, death, mission, and resurrection of Christ Jesus. Dr. Alfred emphasizes each of the pillars is of equal weight; neglecting any one of them causes a believer to stray from the path of salvation and risk being cut off from the grace of God. He disdains modern theology that casts doubt on Christ Jesus’s virgin birth, his crucifixion and his resurrection. Without these elements, it would be impossible for Christ Jesus to be at once both divine and human meet. It is this dual character of Christ Jesus which sets in play God’s plan for all that follows: Christ Jesus’s death on the cross, his victory over the grave and finally, the “work of salvation.” Some of the book’s most thought-provoking moments come in its closing chapter, in which Dr. Alfred discusses the duality of salvation; that is, earthly salvation and eternal salvation, or as he succinctly phrases it, the “already – not yet.”

Dr. Alfred isn’t afraid to present complex concepts, and he is unwilling to talk down to his readers. As a result, the text can be intimidating. Still, Dr. Alfred takes the time to explain all his terminology in detail. In addition, he constructs his premise step by step so that each section builds on previously discussed information. Frequently, he recalls for the reader earlier sections which bolster the section being read currently. Each of his precepts is fortified with references to other scholarly works and to the Bible; so, readers can delve further into any of the subjects discussed in the text. Thus, the power of Dr. Alfred’s unfolding message keeps the reader involved throughout the book.

The Mystery Mission of Salvation in Christ Jesus undergirds its assertions with scholarly sources, and no doubt, its author isn’t afraid for the book to be dissected by those with opposing views. However, the text’s core audience will be people who are within the church, Bible students and those grappling with a decision to commit themselves to the Lord. Still, anyone who picks up Dr. Alfred’s book will be rewarded with a well- documented examination of the path to salvation.