Title: The Silver Sphere
Author: Michael Dadich
Publisher: Evolved Publishing, LLC
ISBN: 978-1622536016
Pages: 274, Paperback/Kindle
Genre: Fantasy

Reviewed by: Suzanne Gattis, Pacific Book Review


Book Review

What teenager hasn’t wanted to escape to another world, to just leave behind the troubles and worries of his own life and enter a world of magic and fantasy. On earth, these young adults face challenges such as an abusive father, a home without love, and bullies, all very real and difficult circumstances to face. However, in Michael Dadich’s The Silver Sphere, the fantasy wasn’t the land of sweetness and promises; it was a land fraught with evil and chaos, much more dangerous and more critical than any experience these teenagers had faced in their own earthly lives. The fate of a nation rests on these youngsters shoulders.

Action packed from the beginning, we are introduced immediately to the young characters, and their companions, that will become the heroes of this tale. From the first chapter, suspense and wonder is created. This is not only a story of fantasy, but a coming of age story as well. This group of teenagers develops throughout this story, building relationships, finding hidden talents, and overcoming adversary. As Kin to the leaders of Azimuth, our protagonists are faced with reconnecting with their lost Kin in order to save a world that seems vaguely familiar to them. A great evil, Malefic, son of Biskara, who we would call Satan, is on a quest to rule Azimuth and eventually earth. In face of these great threats to both places that these young adults know as home, adventure, war, magic, and friendship fill the pages of this book. With the help of a number of un-earthly characters and comrades, the Kin are able to overcome in this battle, although at times not without great loss.

The narrative is written in such a manner that you always want to turn the next page to see what happens next. You forget that you are on Earth and become a part of this unique world that Dadich has created. At times I did find the battles to be a little violent, so I would set an age limit on my kids to read this book. However, the lessons and morals within are ones that we can all relate to and should all be reminded of. Courage, sacrifice, love, and trust are what help to bring victory and protect what the Kin hold most dear.

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