Title: Soul Mate’s Journey
Author: Lauren Greysen
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 9781796058116
Genre: Romance
Pages: 274
Reviewed by: Lisa Brown-Gilbert

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In life, there is always a lesson to be gleaned from every person, experience or relationship. While the lessons may not always be easy, once learned they somehow better us within our existence, particularly when it comes to romantic relationships. People come into your experience to teach life lessons and they are known as Soulmates. In Lauren Greysen’s fantastically touching Soul Mate’s Journey, we meet the focal character, Becca Roberts, on her Soulmate’s Journey, embarking on a road filled with hope, despair, heartbreak, and love.

From the start, author Lauren Greysen brings to life a story that exposes the raw emotions that facing a challenging life can bring. She artfully brings into focus the life and journey of central character Becca Roberts with realism and depth. While the other characters in the narrative are intriguing and realistic, Becca makes the greatest impression, her story, and personality engage instantly. Altogether Becca proves to be a sympathetic character on an easily relatable journey as she grows and adapts along her life path. The story begins with a look at Becca’s past. Coming from an unstable home life, she lived with her divorced and financially strapped mother. And while often unable to have the necessities, leads Becca and her cousin Sally to begging on the streets, and living a young life that enabled the unfortunate and at times brutal experiences with promiscuity, drugs, and alcohol.

However, determined to overcome the misfortune connected with her impoverished youth, she learns to be as a woman, beautiful, independent, determined, empathetic and loving. Moreover, as an adult, Becca lives a lonely but independent life, Becca works hard, builds a life for herself then as fate steps in at twenty-three years old encounters the first of her romantic soulmates, Richard.

As the story and Becca’s life advances, she meets and has relationships with other men; each connection bringing in lessons about herself and her intimate relationships with others. But none left the impression on her like the times with Richard or so she thought. Meanwhile, she also faces other exceptionally challenging experiences with her health, leading her to issues with lacking faith, depression and low self-worth. Albeit, facing many misfortunes, throughout her life, Becca proves to be as resilient as she is selflessly loving and it is through her one true comfortable soulmate connection that she becomes ultimately transformed, once again as a beautiful, confident and self-loving woman.

Ultimately, Soul Mate’s Journey was an absolutely terrific read, which I enjoyed and do recommend. Fraught with many eye-opening moments this was a read that brought into focus not only the spiritual perspective concerning soulmates, the lessons that come through them and finding the love of your life, the story also looks at the transformation that occurs through that deep loving connection. Additionally, emphasized is meeting the challenges of life, maintaining faith and appreciating the personal growth, which comes through all life experiences both good and bad. Overall, this would be a great read to add to the personal library.

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