Title: The Tale of the Magic Saucepan
Author: Martin Katanchi-Shimotani
Publisher: AuthorHouseUK
ISBN: 978-1-3246-3512-1
Pages: 24
Genre: Illustrated Children’s book /Juvenile Fiction

Reviewed by: Beth Adams

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In The Tale of the Magic Saucepan by author Martin Katanchi-Shimotani, Joshua is a young man at the time of the end of World War II. He makes a living buying and selling copper cookware, when one day he is approached by an old man wishing to sell an old pan. Although the pan had little or no resale value, Joshua felt a bit sorry for the old man, and agreed to pay him what the old man asked for. Upon delivering the money and receiving the pan, the old man let Joshua on to a secret – only Joshua was sworn not to tell anyone.

So begins the story of The Tale of the Magic Saucepan. The illustrations along with the story’s galley text created a visual and interesting tale indeed. What was Joshua going to do with this magical saucepan? Was the power of the pan a good power or evil? These were discovered quite quickly as it was the kindness exemplified by Joshua which controlled the results of the wishes given to the saucepan.

The book tells a tale of kindness and generosity. Having a foundation based on fairness, it is easy to follow Joshua’s example in life and do nice things to other people. When you do, you get rewarded as the story’s theme represents.

The moral of the story is good for youngsters to be read prior to drifting off to sleep.  The full-page color illustrations tend to fill in the blanks of imagination, allowing you to see just what Joshua looks like and the family he is a part of. With a bit of magical time traveling, the future is shown to Joshua as a result of the kindness and generosity given during earlier days when struggling for food was a main concern.

As a child’s story with the moral being well articulated, The Tale of the Magic Saucepan will educate and bring happiness to a wide audience. For these reasons it is a motivational children’s story which will keep youngsters on track with learning, doing their homework, and succeeding in academics. I highly recommend this book to be an ideal gift or addition to a family library.