Title: The Clash of Power and Authority: Why the Pursuit of Authority instead of Power Normally Leads to Transformational Change
Author: Troy Sanon
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 987-1-9845-7072-7
Genre: Self-Help/ Personal growth
Pages: 168
Reviewed by: Suzanne Gattis

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In The Clash of Power and Authority: Why the Pursuit of Authority instead of Power Normally Leads to Transformational Change, author Troy Sanon takes on thoughts, ideas, preconceptions, and the examples of others as he explores what he sees as the clash between power and authority. With thought-provoking questions wondering why powerful people at times can affect little change, this book takes a partially religious view of life and its inconsistencies. An interesting read, the author strives to define the two concepts and demonstrate how to live the later in order to provoke transformational change.

I found that Sanon’s religious views drive much of the content and context of the book. He in fact makes the distinction “Power comes from men and is short lived; authority comes from God.” Writing about values such as patience and persistence, being nonjudgmental, and striving for a life of ethical commitment showed the author’s roadmap to attaining this transformational authority while in this life. With numerous scriptural references throughout the writing and discussion about God, I believe the book holds extra value for those who are religious, although anyone can gain value out of its teachings and insights. How many of us have strived to earn power when all along it was not the tool we needed in our arsenal?

With examples from his own life, the author was able to demonstrate those who show true authority. The effect that Jack Wall had on him and his obvious admiration of the man courses through the words on the pages. It was enlightening to read about a man such as Wall who could affect change and make an impact on his world. In a world where we often see people hungry and willing to do anything to achieve it, it was refreshing to see an example of a life of authority.

I found the writing style to be descriptive and easy to read. With many ideas coming across on the page, I believe the author did a good job of tying them together and making it one comprehensive read. The book did make me stop to ponder if I truly could distinguish the difference between power and authority, something I had never really thought much about before, thus attaining what I believe the author set out to achieve.

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