Title: The Forty Year Con Game: Everything You Need To Know About Donald Trump’s Threat To Democracy
Author: Dr. Michael B. Harrington
Publisher: XlibrisUS
ISBN: 978-1796045840
Pages: 340
Genre: United States History/Public Affairs & Administration/International & World Politics
Reviewed by: Anthony Avina

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Once a person gives into the temptation of corruption, it is nearly impossible to get out. As writer Charles Caleb Colton once said, “Corruption is like a ball of snow, once it’s set a rolling it must increase.” In author Dr. Michael B. Harrington’s book The Forty Year Con Game: Everything You Need To Know About Donald Trump’s Threat To Democracy, a close examination of a man who conned his way into power of the highest level comes to light.

Showcasing how many voters in the 201 election remained in the dark to Donald Trump’s long career of business failures and corruption, this novel explores the forty years or so of events, business dealings, impulse decision making and more that defined the man who now resides as the President of the United States. Through detailed analysis, fact checking and documented proof of the fears many had of Trump becoming President coming true in his first two years as the Commander in Chief, Dr. Michael B. Harrington showcases the rise of one of the longest held con games in political history.

This detailed, in-depth and evenly paced read is rich with research and facts. While many will make claims for Donald Trump’s lack of skill or experience in the world of politics or policy making since he took office, few are able to do so without their own personal feelings becoming apparent. However, the author has expertly backed up the passages of this book with easily verifiable facts regarding Donald Trump. From failing businesses and shady dealings to public statements proven to be lies and more, this novel does an excellent job of providing a clear, thought out argument for Trump’s corrupting influence and disastrous nature while he is in office.

This is a book for anyone who is interested in politics, non-fiction reads or the true nature of the current United States President, Donald Trump. For many around the world it can be baffling as to how someone like Trump could have been elected to the highest level of the United States government, and yet in this novel readers are able to see how he managed to con much of the world into believing many of the things he lied about. It is a fascinating read that allows readers to see the lies and the evidence of the lies he’s told over the years, how his abrupt and “shoot-from-the-hip” personality has overshadowed those lies, and how he used those to help him get into that coveted position of power.

This is a must read for anyone interested in American politics or the current political world overall. How much about Donald Trump do people really know, especially the many supporters he gained during the 2016 election? Exploring a long history of running cons and going from a comical, nonsense spewing public figure into a powerful political opponent and victor, this book is well written and deserves to be read. If you would like to read and find out who Donald Trump really is and what he threatens in our political world, then grab your copy of Dr. Michael B. Harrington’s The Forty Year Con Game today – before it’s too late once again.

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