Author: Daniel Parmeggiani
Publisher: TruthSeeker Productions
ISBN: 978-0-9912112-0-3
Pages: 256, Paperback/Kindle
Genre: Non-Fiction/Young Adult

Reviewed by: Lisa Brown-Gilbert, Pacific Book Review

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Book Review

Happiness, we all want it and struggle daily to find that something that balances us and keeps us happy. However, in modern society where wealth, beauty, or achievement appears to be the end all, be all to achieving true happiness for many it can seem disturbingly illusive and nearly impossible to attain. Nevertheless, there is hope, according to author Daniel F. Parmeggiani in his book, The Magnificent Truths of our Existence; he posits that the path to a truly happy life is not as elusive as most believe.

In the book, author Parmeggiani openly shares his personal journey towards achieving his inner peace and spiritual cognizance. As a result, of his experiences, he discovered there are ten perceptively viable principles or “magnificent truths” to securing contentment in life, and by comprehending and practicing each truth you move away from a state of self-doubt and closer to self-knowledge and self-love. He also proposes that the path to lasting happiness actually already exists within each of us, and is not cultivated by wealth, beauty, or achievement; in fact, it is a matter of changing your perception of your world and embracing a deeply insightful knowledge of yourself. Using an approach that is logical, pragmatic and relatable author Parmeggiani discloses several deeply moving insights about human nature; including postulations concerning;  the common desire to be happy, the route taken when seeking happiness and our inherent nature as “innocent” beings.

Magnificent Truths is richly detailed, well organized, and dispenses invaluable information that can be applied by anyone, no matter what his or her spiritual state of mind may be.  The book is separated into two parts; Part 1 – Principles; which starts with candid description of the authors emotionally debilitated youth, which led him to his journey of self-discovery and enlightenment, touching on aspects of human behavior that inhibit reaching true happiness.

Part 2 – Practice; defines the many negative emotional states that people are prone to experience, such as guilt, or shame and the steps to changing these states of being. This section includes exercises which are easily managed and when implemented can lead to some eye opening revelations and results. Also, this book is not the end of Mr. Parmeggiani’s wisdom; he has a website on which he continues to impart his knowledge with a blog, videos, guided meditations, and exercises.

I liked The Magnificent Truths of our Existence; it is a realistic and intelligent look at spirituality, life and the pursuit of happiness. This is not a read bogged down with over-zealous spiritualism but it is a pragmatic look at life and human nature written in a completely relatable manner.  As I read this book, I personally found that there were many “Aha” moments of realization that really hit home, which makes this book a worthwhile read.   The Magnificent Truths of our Existence exceeded its own description of topic in the depth of subject matter. Truly spiritual content explained in ways easily grasped. I highly recommend this book not just for spiritual seekers but also to anyone looking to change their unhappy state of being.