Title: The Red Shore
Author: Andrew Ceroni
Publisher: Outskirts Press
ISBN: 978-1977207005
Pages: 334
Genre: Thriller
Reviewed By: John Murray

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In an all too timely thriller, author Andrew Ceroni sets the stage for a shift in power that could spark the next world war. Dave McClure arrives in the peaceful town of Bar Harbor, Maine. McClure hoped to take some time to get his head straight before leaving retirement and returning to work for the CIA. In Maine, McClure becomes swept up in seemingly unrelated murders and violent acts. Until a sinister threat arises and McClure joins forces with NCIS to discover what exactly is targeting the coastlines and harbors. The body count mounts and the clock ticks down as McClure and his allies trace to stop WWIII from breaking out.

McClure shines as the protagonist. A freak accident in his past cost him his wife and son, leaving him adrift and disconnected. The events of a previous book found him reconnecting and deciding to channel his pain into stopping bad guys and protecting America. Despite the darkness, he’s full of optimism and not above flirting with a receptive NCIS agent. The balance between flawed hero and realistic man anchor the story beautifully.

Pacing is fantastic and remains steady throughout. Punctuated moments of violence deftly balance the more sedate moments, namely ones where McClure continues to establish his humanity. Interestingly, these seemingly random moments connect back to the overall story. Most scenes have some relevance but never bog down the overall flow. The writing is strong with an engaging voice and snappy style. Scenes flow quickly and smoothly with dialogue feeling realistic. McClure’s voice rings the loudest, but Ceroni ensures most of the varied casts benefits from a unique voice. Banter between McClure and the NCIS agent highlight each of their personalities well, while interjecting some levity between the more gruesome elements.

As mentioned in McClure’s backstory, this is a continuation of a series. However, Ceroni ensures ample context is present to keep new readers engaged. If anything, the backstories border on the mysterious and incentivize readers to pick up the other books. McClure serves as the series head to great effect, and offers promise for the future books.

The Red Shore is a timely thriller with fast pacing, lively characters, and a stellar narrative and shines with a high polish.

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